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Документ Відкритий доступ «1С: Підприємство 8.0» як інформаційна система управління малими і середніми поліграфічними підприємствами(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Сидорова, Д. О.; Сошинська, Ярослава ЄвгенівнаДокумент Відкритий доступ A Coordination Mechanism for Parallel Learning between Higher Educational Institutions in Different Countries Worldwide(2023-03-17) Makatora, Dmytro; Zenkin, Mykola; Mykhalko, Anastasiia; Kovalоv, Yuriі; Pleshko, Sergey; Макатьора, Дмитро Анатолійович; Зенкін, Микола Анатолійович; Михалко, Анастасія Олегівна; Ковальов, Юрій Адіславович; Плешко, Сергій АнатолійовичEducational institutions are a unique system, much more complex than other areas of economic and social life (security, transportation, communications), as it is closely linked to all industries, as well as spiritual and material aspects of both the past and the present. Each country has its mechanism for organizing its educational system. The most powerful initiators of changes in the education system are not its problems or needs but external factors, primarily priorities and requirements for education and upbringing that arise in connection with the country’s inclusion in the common movement of the world community, changes in production, culture, social and security spheres, etc. Therefore, all trends in higher education take into account, on the one hand, the priorities of preserving the cultural diversity of national educational systems and, on the other hand, the tasks of improving international cooperation, student mobility, and employment in the international community. In the course of the research, systemic-structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, and idealization in the processing of scientific information were applied to study and process materials on parallel learning between HEIs around the world. During the research, the most important trends in the study of issues related to parallel learning in higher educational institutions around the world have been outlined. Moreover, based on the questionnaire survey results, the standpoint of university heads and teachers, as well as scholars studying the mechanisms of higher education in different countries of the world, on certain practical aspects have been revealed.Документ Відкритий доступ Adaptive strategies for managing the competitive potential of an architectural and construction company(Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2024) Kubanov, Ruslan; Yashchenko, Oleksii; Makatora, DmytroAdaptive strategy is a key in the modern business environment as it allows businesses to respond effectively to changes in market conditions and ensures their competitiveness. The adaptive strategy for managing the competitive potential of the architectural and construction company was not investigated at the level of a separate study. The purpose of the study is to determine the nature and characteristics of an adaptive strategy for managing the competitive potential of an architectural and construction company. The process of forming the competitive potential of the company as a comprehensive strategy of actions aimed at achieving competitive advantages over a certain period of time is considered. The strategies of growing, stabilising, surviving and adapting are analysed. The principles, functions and stages of operation of the adaptive management system are the subject of the article. According to the authors, an adaptive strategy for managing the competitive potential of architectural and construction companies is an approach aimed at continuously adapting the company’s management strategies to the changing internal and external environment in which it operates. This approach implies flexibility and readiness for rapid response to changes in market conditions, technologies, competition, legislation and other aspects of activity. It has established that a flexible organisational structure, staff competence and continuous improvement of products and services are the components of the adaptive strategy methodological triangle. Using such a methodological triangle allows architectural and construction organisations to be flexible and adaptable to changes in the competitive environment, to adapt quickly to new conditions and to maintain their competitiveness. According to the authors, the characteristics of the adaptive strategy for managing the competitive potential of architectural and construction companies include the following aspects: intellectual capital of companies in the field; ensuring the uniqueness of products in a particular market segment; pricing; ensuring the quality of products and services; availability of financial resources; information and innovation activities; introduction of resource-saving technologies in a construction company; use of innovative approaches to the design, construction and operation of buildings. The results of the study can be used in the process of formation and implementation of adaptive strategies for managing the competitive potential of the architectural and construction company. Key words: adaptive strategy, competition, competitive environment, competitive potential of an architectural and construction company, market conditions, system, transformation, adaptation.Документ Відкритий доступ Algorithm for resolving conflicts with clients by managers of architectural and construction companies(Видавничий дім «Гельветика», ДВНЗ «Ужгородський національний університет», 2024) Yashchenko, Oleksii; Makatora, Dmytro; Kubanov, RuslanThe study is devoted to the development of an effective algorithm for resolving conflicts with clients for managers of architectural and construction companies. The relevance of the topic is that the ability to manage conflict situations is a key success factor in the construction industry, where disputes between contractors and clients are common. The authors identify the main types of conflict that managers of architectural and construction companies may face, including conflicts over changes to project documentation, delays in completing work, problems with the quality of materials or workmanship, misunderstandings about the budget, communication barriers and differing expectations. These situations can significantly affect the financial performance of the organisation, the project schedule and the internal atmosphere within the team. The authors propose a structured algorithm consisting of six stages to resolve such conflicts: 1) Conflict identification – assessment of the situation, identification of the causes of the conflict and gathering of information from all parties. 2) Situation analysis – identification of the main interests and needs of the client, assessment of the possible consequences of the conflict. 3) Communication – organisation of a meeting with the client, use of active listening to identify emotions and needs. 4) Finding and choosing optimal solutions – generating problem-solving options with the client, assessing opportunities and compromise solutions. 5) Solution implementation – development of an action plan for the implementation of the agreed solution, identification of responsible people and deadlines. 6) Monitoring, evaluation and documentation – systematic monitoring of the implementation of the solution, assessing customer satisfaction, recording all discussions and decisions. The authors emphasise that the application of this algorithm can lead to an increase in customer satisfaction, a guarantee of timely project implementation and an improvement in the financial performance of the company. Furthermore, effective conflict management helps build positive internal team communication. The study also highlights the importance of developing the competencies and applied skills needed for conflict resolution, such as active listening, negotiation, emotional intelligence and stress management. These are critical to making the proposed algorithm work. Overall, this study offers a comprehensive approach to client conflict management that can be used by architectural and construction managers to improve their efficiency and competitive position in the marketplace. Keywords: conflicts, clients, architectural and construction managers, conflict resolution algorithm, stress management, active listening, negotiating, emotional intelligence.Документ Відкритий доступ An innovative mechanism for managing the development of advertising content on educational platforms(AD ALTA-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2022) Makatora, Dmytro; Lytvyn, Oleg; Makatora, Alona; Zenkin, Mykola; Макатьора, Дмитро Анатолійович; Литвин, Олег Андрійович; Макатьора, Альона Віталіївна; Зенкін, Микола АнатолійовичThe current situation with the quarantine regime and measures aimed at combating COVID-19 has led to the intensification of the development of educational platforms by the private and public sectors, as well as scientific and public ones. The purpose of the academic paper lies in studying the features of the innovative management mechanism for developing advertising content on educational platforms. Methodology. The present research uses content analysis and statistical analysis to investigate the market of educational platforms and the services they offer. The research was conducted based on the content analysis of educational platforms. The authors studied the content structure, basic channels, methods, and tools for promoting educational platforms. Results. Digital technologies are a decisive factor in the success and promotion of advertising content of educational platforms, which, under the condition of their optimal combination, provides significant competitive advantages. Digital marketing of educational platforms is a comprehensive approach to promoting services, its products in the digital environment and it also covers offline consumers. Digital marketing makes it possible to integrate numerous technologies for content promotion (social, mobile, web, CRM systems, etc.) with sales and customer service, ensuring constant high-quality communication between the advertiser and the end users of educational services. Digital marketing is based on analyzing data about users, their behavior, penetrating traditional types of communications and ensuring the achievement of the target audience. Digital marketing involves personalization, which strengthens the impact of marketing tools on the target audience – users of educational services.Документ Відкритий доступ Analysis of friction and wear processes in the contact zones of the offset cylinder of the printing machine(International Science Group, 2023-02-17) Zenkin, Mykola; Makatora, Dmytro; Shostachuk, OleksandrДокумент Відкритий доступ Analysis of key performance indicators of Ukrainian and global printing companies(AD ALTA-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2023-08) Makatora, Dmytro; Makatora, Alona; Zenkin, Mykola; Mykhalko, Anastasiia; Макатьора, Дмитро Анатолійович; Макатьора, Альона Віталіївна; Зенкін, Микола Анатолійович; Михалко, Анастасія ОлегівнаThe activities of Ukrainian and global printing companies have many common features. However, in the context of geopolitical challenges and economic turmoil, appropriate strategic development and management efficiency are essential to ensure favorable prospects for the printing industry. An important area of research is to assess the peculiarities of digital technologies' impact on printing enterprises' activities, as well as to ensure their competitive advantages. The article analyzes the main indicators of printing enterprises' development, as well as the aspects that affect the efficiency of their activities. In addition, the author considers several geographical factors, integration into relevant commodity markets, and the possibility of using diversified supply chains. The peculiarities of the printing enterprises' formation in Ukraine and globally are related to the crisis period. It was caused by the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine, which triggered crisis processes in the economy and business sector. The issue of ensuring effective information technologies and creating prospects for the development of printing enterprises is a crucial task. Therefore, it is based on the analysis of their performance indicators in recent years. The paper outlines the key principles of the functioning of a printing enterprise, the specifics of digitalization and integration into the international market. Also, it defines the essential functions to be used in a dynamic market in a crisis. The research findings indicate the current practice of improving the quality of corporate strategy by diversifying it, improving the quality of digital technologies, and creating special concerns and industrial associations of the printing industry to ensure its livelihood. This study can be helpful for restoring the printing industry in Ukraine and for further analytical research on the peculiarities of global printing enterprises' operations.Документ Відкритий доступ AR-додаток для розпізнавання дефектів на друкованій продукції з деталізацією процесу його створення(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Гірман, Артем Вікторович; Золотухіна, Катерина ІгорівнаСувенірна та подарункова продукція втілює творчий задум та може нести інформацію про свого автора. Подарунки та сувеніри справляють враження на того, кому їх дарують, завдяки унікальному дизайну, матеріалам та способам взаємодії. Тому доцільно розглянути способи підвищити унікальність сувенірів. Дизайн естетично приваблює власника та захищає виріб від підробок. Захист від несанкціонованого копіювання є важливою проблемою. Відомі способи вирішення цієї проблеми через реєстрацію дефектів друку. Існує технічна можливість ідентифікувати дефекти, що виникають при друці офсетним, флексографічним чи ротогравюрним друком, за допомогою технологій комп’ютерного зору. Для розпізнавання маркерів доповненої реальності існують різноманітні додаткові програми, так звані плагіни (англ. Plug-in). Деякі з них доступні для завантаження у ігрових рушіях. Вивчення властивостей поліграфічних матеріалів та технологій друку у виготовленні подарункової та сувенірної продукції має підготувати матеріально-технічну базу для обладнання робочого місця на підприємстві. Використання плагінів доповненої реальності розширює технологічний процес із включенням додаткових одиниць устаткування. Вибір технологічного процесу із вибором технології друку допомагає створити мультимедійний додаток, який захищає сувенір від підробки.Документ Відкритий доступ ARCHITECTURAL AND ECONOMIC APPROACH TO LOW-RISE HOUSING TO ACHIEVE ECONOMIC STABILITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT(Publishing House "Helvetica", 2023-12) Yashchenko, Oleksii; Makatora, Dmytro; Kubanov, Ruslan; Ященко, Олексій Федорович; Макатьора, Дмитро Анатолійович; Кубанов, Руслан АнатолійовичSustainable construction, in the context of sustainable development at economic, social and environmental levels, is a proven strategy that responds to the challenges of the modern construction industry. It is an approach that focuses on balanced development, taking into account the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. At the economic level, sustainable construction contributes to the creation of efficient and energy-saving buildings, which helps to reduce heating and cooling costs. It also reduces the impact of construction on financial resources through the use of more cost-effective materials and technologies. This research aims at identifying theoretical concepts and practical ways of economic, environmental and construction development of architectural and economic concept of low-rise buildings for achieving economic stability and sustainable development of the country. In order to create the concept of sustainable development, it is recommended to base it on the circular economy model. This model provides for the reuse of materials. The unacceptability of using materials that cannot be reused is the main principle of this model. This means that, without producing waste or polluting the environment, resources should be used efficiently and in a circular manner. It should be noted that the cost of building houses and apartments in this type of development needs to be identified in detail when analysing the cost of low-rise development. The cost of developing infrastructure such as engineering and transport, and the cost of maintaining engineering networks and transport communications must also be considered. In general, the feasibility study also includes the cost of land and legal regulation. According to the authors, maximum economic efficiency can be achieved by concentrating on developing two to four-storeyed buildings. In low-rise residential buildings, there are two ways to save energy. Firstly, by reducing energy consumption from external sources through the installation of autonomous or local technical systems. Secondly, by using energy-efficient buildings that use alternative energy sources, energy savings can be achieved. One of the key concepts of modern housing is considered to be the active house. This means that modern economic concepts need to be applied. For example, the principle of “zero waste” and the model of a circular economy based on this principle require that the generation of waste be reduced or avoided as much as possible. In the case of old buildings, the principle of zero waste means that these buildings should be easy to dismantle without generating a significant amount of waste. One of the possible uses of these materials is to create new building materials or to produce other goods. The conclusions show that economic resilience, sustainable development and improved quality of life in the country can be achieved by using the architectural and economic concept of low-rise buildings. This has great potential to create a sustainable and prosperous society in the future, but requires an integrated approach and collaboration between different stakeholders.Документ Відкритий доступ Basic principles of choosing reinforcing coatings relevant details of printing machines(International Science Group, 2023-09-01) Zenkin, Mykola; Makatora, Dmytro; Shostachuk, OleksandrДокумент Відкритий доступ Changes in worldwide media consumption(International Science Group, 2020) Soshynska, YaroslavaДокумент Відкритий доступ Characteristics of research in education in the field of public relations(Berostav Družstvo, 2017) Kyrychok, AndriiДокумент Відкритий доступ Creation of normative and technical base for quality control of reinforcing coatings used in the repair and manufacture of parts of printing machines(International Science Group, 2022-07-10) Zenkin, Mykola; Makatora, Dmytro; Ivanko, AndriiДокумент Відкритий доступ Current trends in the development of philosophical standpoint(Consilium, 2018) Kyrychok, AndriiДокумент Відкритий доступ Customer Focus as a Tool for Improving Business Efficiency in the Architecture and Construction Industry(ФОП Лібуркіна Л. М., 2024) Yashchenko, Oleksii; Makatora, Dmytro; Kubanov, Ruslan; Zinych, PetroThe study considers customer focus as a key tool for improving the efficiency of enterprise in the architecture and construction industry, which is a complex and diversified area, where the success of enterprises depends on their ability to adapt to both market requirements and the requirements put forward by customers. Customer focus in this industry is key to success, as consumers are looking for a personalized approach, quality services, and a positive communication experience. It is important to remember that a customer-focused approach in the construction business involves attention to customer requirements and establishing partnerships, which contributes to meeting customers’ needs and the successful implementation of projects. It is defined that the successful implementation of a customer-focused strategy in the business activities of enterprises in the architecture and construction area requires careful consideration of several key elements. Understanding customer needs and preferences, building a customer-focused culture, training employees to interact with customers, motivating the staff, and diagnosing the efficiency of customer-focused strategies are key to achieving success in this sphere. These elements help companies not only meet the needs of customers but also create long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with them. Taking these aspects into account helps to improve the level of service, increase customer satisfaction and increase the company’s competitiveness in the market. Therefore, it is important that businesses work carefully and systematically on these elements for the successful implementation of a customer-focused strategy. The main aspects of customer focus are considered, models and methodologies that help enterprises to interact with customers, taking into account their needs and expectations, are presented. The team of authors highlights the step-by-step process of developing customer focus, as well as the methodology of «Managing business processes of customer focus» as the key to the successful operation of enterprises in the architecture and construction industry. The SERVQUAL model for assessing the quality of services and the use of the NPS index to measure the level of customer loyalty are also considered. The conclusions state that customer focus contributes to the development of long-term relationships with customers, maintaining a loyal customer base, attracting new consumers and increasing their level of loyalty. Through the customer-focused approach, the company can effectively adapt to changes in the market, improve its services and ensure high quality of work. Adaptability, customer interaction and continuous process improvement are an essential part of the success of construction companies in today’s competitive environment. This research can help an enterprise in the field of architecture and construction to increase competitiveness, attract new customers and retain existing ones, as well as improve the quality of services and customer satisfaction.Документ Відкритий доступ Development of an automated system for determining the “id of the competitive proposal” of the specialty (educational program)(Вісник Хмельницького національного університету, 2022-12-29) lytvyn, Oleg; Makatora, Dmytro; Dzhikiya, NellieThe paper presents the results of the implementation of automated systems and the definition of the "ID of the competitive proposal" of the specialty (educational program) depending on the selected criteria, namely: educational level; admission base; specialty; form of education; the deadline for submitting documents allows you to choose CP in two versions: "Dates depending on the CP" – the search by date is not performed and all available competitive proposals are displayed in accordance with other criteria and "At the moment " – a search for competitive proposals that are available at a moment is added to the search criteria, which makes it possible to determine the "ID of the tender proposal". A flowchart of the algorithm has been developed that implements the above-described actions of automated systems and the definition of the “ID of the competitive proposal". The system has an adaptive design, and can be downloaded to various mobile devices, which will allow you to have information at the fingertips. Also, the system has a short reaction time, reduces the load on the server (since after receiving information from the database, it is processed on the user's computer). The automated system for determining the "ID of the competitive proposal" was posted on the https://www.vstup.org/konkurs portal, and the link to it on the site https://iino.knuba.edu.ua/. The system was tested during the admission campaign 2022 in the separate structural section and "Institute of Innovative Education of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture", confirmed its performance, the number of users who used the system was 1298 people, which is equal to 92% of the total number of applications for admission.Документ Відкритий доступ Development of unified systems of collection and data processing of accelerated tests of complex products in printing machines(International Science Group, 2023-02-03) Zenkin, Mykola; Makatora, Dmytro; Shostachuk, OleksandrДокумент Відкритий доступ Diagnosis of adhesive compounds used in printing equipment(International Science Group, 2024) Zenkin, Mykola; Shostachuk, Oleksandr; Makatora, DmytroДокумент Відкритий доступ Economic constant of introducing resource-saving technologies at a construction company in an unstable market environment with limited resources(Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2024) Kubanov, Ruslan; Makatora, Dmytro; Prusov, DmitryTheoretical concepts and applied possibilities concerning the feasibility of introducing resource-saving technologies in a construction company under the influence of an unstable market environment and limited resources are determined. The article considers the dependence of construction production on many factors of the external and internal environment: natural and climatic, engineering and geological, economic, suppliers, sub-suppliers. This leads to the existence of a variety of projected cost and time indicators for a given construction project. This is due to the impossibility of obtaining accurate information on the conditions of project implementation. In the authors’ opinion, the limited availability of raw materials and the threat of their depletion are the reason for the constant rational use of raw materials and the search for new energy sources. The authors argue that in an unstable market environment and with limited resources, introducing resource-saving technologies can have a significant economic impact. Economic benefits, reduction of negative impact on the environment, improvement of the company’s image and status are the main advantages of introducing such technologies. It is necessary to compare the economic benefits of implementing resource-saving technologies with the costs of their installation and operation in order to determine the economic feasibility constant. Economic benefits include increased productivity, reduced costs due to resource savings and improved product quality. Costs are related to the installation of new technology, replacement of equipment, staff training and other factors. Economic feasibility is an economic assessment that helps determine whether introducing resource-saving technologies is economically viable. It can help construction companies make decisions about investing in new technologies in the context of an unstable market environment and limited resources. The article gives examples of the use of cost-effective resource-saving technologies: the reconstruction of Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) – the use of inventory shuttering in the complex use of softeners and chemical additives to concrete; the rationale for types of individual housing construction using recycled materials and the introduction of energy-saving technologies; the concept of “smart building”; the use of recycled materials such as bottles, paper, plastic and other materials in the construction of buildings. The article concludes that the use of resource-saving technologies can be an effective tool for ensuring the competitiveness and sustainable development of a construction company in an unstable market environment and with limited resources.Документ Відкритий доступ Economic justification of renovating and improving architecture and construction according to European standards(Чорноморський національний університетімені Петра Могили,ТОВ "ДКС Центр", 2024) Yashchenko, Oleksii; Makatora, Dmytro; Kubanov, Ruslan; Zinych, PetroThe article formulates theoretical and methodological principles of economic justification of the expediency of renewing and improving architecture and construction according to European standards. There is evidence that investment, especially foreign investment, is not only an instrument of development, but also a method of regulation of the economy by means of capital transfers. The peculiarities of the assessment of the effectiveness of investment projects in the field of architecture and construction are under consideration. The relevance and practical significance of the closed-loop economy are demonstrated. The implementation of energy saving technologies in the EU countries, which have been successfully applied in the energy markets of Ukraine, is the subject of analysis. It proves that besides energy efficiency it is important to implement the concept of “smart city”. Certain areas of the study show that the updating and improvement of building codes and architectural practices is an important component of the economic development of Ukraine. The introduction of modern technologies and standards in construction can have a positive impact on the competitiveness of Ukrainian companies. It can help create new jobs and increase construction activity. The development of the construction industry will also contribute to the implementation of infrastructure and housing projects, which will have a positive impact on regional development and the quality of life of the population. It should be noted that the harmonisation of the Ukrainian legislation with the European standards will facilitate the easy integration of the country into the European and global economic space. In particular, by reducing technical barriers and creating synergies between standards, it facilitates trade in Ukrainian products and services. However, since harmonisation requires legislative changes, adaptation to new standards and training of specialists, it is a complex and time-consuming process. The conclusions state that in adopting European standards in construction and architecture, Ukraine is not only adapting to the modern requirements of the time, but is also taking a strategic step that will open wide opportunities for the country in the international arena, bringing economic benefits and improving the quality of life of its citizens. Implementing these changes will require the combined efforts of government, business and civil society, but the results will provide a solid foundation for the country’s sustainable development and European integration.