The Influence of laser welding modes on the structure and mechanical properties of biocompatible TC4 alloy
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Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Structure and scope of master thesis: The structure of the master's thesis includes an analysis of the current situation, goals and objectives of the study, objects of research, subject of research, research methods, scientific novelty, results of scientific research and practical significance of the results obtained.
Covers research on the structure and defects of TC4 titanium alloy after laser welding, including experimental studies, data analysis, and discussion of future research directions.
Ключові слова
laser welding, microstructure, laserpower, TC4 alloy, welding speed, welding defects
Бібліографічний опис
Zhou Jiahong. The Influence of laser welding modes on the structure and mechanical properties of biocompatible TC4 alloy : Master's thesis : 132 Materials Science / Zhou Jiahong. – Kyiv, 2024. – 77 p.