Analysis of the Influence of Authentic English Videos on Technical Students’ Memorization and Subsequent Recall of the English Lexis




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Society for Cultural and Scientific Progress in Central and Eastern Europe


The article deals with the influence of authentic English videos on technical students’ memorization and subsequent recall of the English lexis. The process of the brain and memory work when students are exposed to videos in class is clarified. According to the data analysed, clips from English movies and programmes are valuable educational aids in teaching English as a foreign language. This has been verified experimentally. The results of authentic videos’ influence on the students’ memorization and recall of the English lexis, as well as motivation to continue studying English are provided.


Ключові слова

videos, English, vocabulary, recall, technical students

Бібліографічний опис

Shevchenko, M. Analysis of the influence of authentic English videos on technical students’ memorization and subsequent recall of the English lexis / Shevchenko, M. // Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology. - VI (65), Issue: 155. - Budapest, 2018. - P. 49-53.