A parameterized computer model of an orthopedic supinator in the ANSYS Workbench

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Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


The relevance of the work is related to lack of modern engineering technologies for design of many types of orthopedic products, which are still based on practical experience of specialists. The work shows prospects of using software tools for mathematical modeling of functioning of such products in rehabilitation engineering. The purpose of the work is development and research of a computer model of an orthopedic instep in the ANSYS workbench for engineering analysis of mechanical phenomena of elastic deformations in it under influence of loads. To achieve the goal of the work, following tasks were set: - Analysis of traditional means of constructing orthopedic insoles. - Principles of operation of orthopedic insoles. - Analysis and description of prototype of existing insole model. - Analysis of computer modeling technology. - Construction and research of a parameterized computer model of an orthopedic supinator. The work implements a computer model of an orthopedic supinator in the ANSYS workbench, which lays the foundations of an engineering approach to design of such rehabilitation tools.


Ключові слова

supinator, rehabilitation engineering, computer model, ANSYS

Бібліографічний опис

Ahmed Mohamed Sabry Khairy Ibrahim. A parameterized computer model of an orthopedic supinator in the ANSYS Workbench : diploma thesis for a bachelor's degree : 163 Biomedical engineering / Ahmed Mohamed Sabry Khairy Ibrahim. - Kyiv, 2023. - 66 p.