Method for Selecting Pulsed Signals by Their Duration in Fading Channels




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КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського


The duration of pulsed signals is one of the main parameters to be estimated in radio monitoring systems. When signals propagate in channels with deep fading, even at high signal-to-noise ratios, the pulse shape will be distorted. In sophisticated electronic environment, it is also may be random interference in signal processing channel, which leads to the occurrence of false pulses with random durations. Therefore, the values of the signal pulses durations will be concentrated near their true value, and the rest of the detected pulses will have a significantly random duration. That’s why, the development and study of methods for selecting pulse signals by their durations in sophisticated signal environment is actual scientific problem. The aim of the work is improving pulsed signals processing methods in fading channels by selecting its’ durations. The study found that the estimates of signal pulse durations are normally distributed. Pulse durations that are not related to signals are subjected to an exponential distribution. The input data for the proposed method is only a sample of measured pulse durations. The values of the parameters of both the exponential and normal distributions are unknown. In this case, the problem of selecting pulses by their durations is formalized to the estimation of the mean values of normal distributions. To do this, it is proposed to search for the maxima of the smoothed estimate of the probability density function. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that a method for estimating the mean value of a normal distribution at the background of exponentially distributed values was proposed. An example of this approach is the estimation of pulsed signal durations in channels with deep fading and impulse interference. Based on the developed method, algorithms for automatic pulse selection for radio monitoring systems can be implemented.


Ключові слова

pulsed signal, fading, signal selection, normal distribution, exponential distribution, sample, iмпульсний сигнал, завмирання, селекцiя сигналiв, нормальний розподiл, експоненцiальний розподiл, вибiрка

Бібліографічний опис

Buhaiov, M. V. Method for Selecting Pulsed Signals by Their Duration in Fading Channels / Buhaiov M. V., Zakirov S. V. // Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Радіотехніка, радіоапаратобудування : збірник наукових праць. – 2024. – Вип. 96. – С. 14-20. – Бібліогр.: 12 назв.