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Перегляд Статті (МАПВ) за Автор "Makatora, Alona"
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Результатів на сторінці
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Документ Відкритий доступ An innovative mechanism for managing the development of advertising content on educational platforms(AD ALTA-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2022) Makatora, Dmytro; Lytvyn, Oleg; Makatora, Alona; Zenkin, Mykola; Макатьора, Дмитро Анатолійович; Литвин, Олег Андрійович; Макатьора, Альона Віталіївна; Зенкін, Микола АнатолійовичThe current situation with the quarantine regime and measures aimed at combating COVID-19 has led to the intensification of the development of educational platforms by the private and public sectors, as well as scientific and public ones. The purpose of the academic paper lies in studying the features of the innovative management mechanism for developing advertising content on educational platforms. Methodology. The present research uses content analysis and statistical analysis to investigate the market of educational platforms and the services they offer. The research was conducted based on the content analysis of educational platforms. The authors studied the content structure, basic channels, methods, and tools for promoting educational platforms. Results. Digital technologies are a decisive factor in the success and promotion of advertising content of educational platforms, which, under the condition of their optimal combination, provides significant competitive advantages. Digital marketing of educational platforms is a comprehensive approach to promoting services, its products in the digital environment and it also covers offline consumers. Digital marketing makes it possible to integrate numerous technologies for content promotion (social, mobile, web, CRM systems, etc.) with sales and customer service, ensuring constant high-quality communication between the advertiser and the end users of educational services. Digital marketing is based on analyzing data about users, their behavior, penetrating traditional types of communications and ensuring the achievement of the target audience. Digital marketing involves personalization, which strengthens the impact of marketing tools on the target audience – users of educational services.Документ Відкритий доступ Analysis of key performance indicators of Ukrainian and global printing companies(AD ALTA-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2023-08) Makatora, Dmytro; Makatora, Alona; Zenkin, Mykola; Mykhalko, Anastasiia; Макатьора, Дмитро Анатолійович; Макатьора, Альона Віталіївна; Зенкін, Микола Анатолійович; Михалко, Анастасія ОлегівнаThe activities of Ukrainian and global printing companies have many common features. However, in the context of geopolitical challenges and economic turmoil, appropriate strategic development and management efficiency are essential to ensure favorable prospects for the printing industry. An important area of research is to assess the peculiarities of digital technologies' impact on printing enterprises' activities, as well as to ensure their competitive advantages. The article analyzes the main indicators of printing enterprises' development, as well as the aspects that affect the efficiency of their activities. In addition, the author considers several geographical factors, integration into relevant commodity markets, and the possibility of using diversified supply chains. The peculiarities of the printing enterprises' formation in Ukraine and globally are related to the crisis period. It was caused by the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine, which triggered crisis processes in the economy and business sector. The issue of ensuring effective information technologies and creating prospects for the development of printing enterprises is a crucial task. Therefore, it is based on the analysis of their performance indicators in recent years. The paper outlines the key principles of the functioning of a printing enterprise, the specifics of digitalization and integration into the international market. Also, it defines the essential functions to be used in a dynamic market in a crisis. The research findings indicate the current practice of improving the quality of corporate strategy by diversifying it, improving the quality of digital technologies, and creating special concerns and industrial associations of the printing industry to ensure its livelihood. This study can be helpful for restoring the printing industry in Ukraine and for further analytical research on the peculiarities of global printing enterprises' operations.Документ Відкритий доступ Information and communication technologies as a tool for increasing the efficiency of printing companies’ economic activity(Хмельницький національний університет, 2024) Makatora, Alona; Makatora, Dmytro; Zenkin, Mykola; Kubanov, RuslanIn order to increase the efficiency of economic activity of printing companies, the authors of the study have identified the following features and promising directions: reorientation of management tasks for the development of printing companies in order to ensure their competitiveness; determination of strategic directions of development of printing companies; optimisation of the appropriate level of information, resource and organisational support of printing companies for the successful implementation of development strategies; diversification of activities of printing enterprises; corporatisation of printing enterprises; ensuring investment development of printing industry enterprises. The implementation of strategies aimed at optimising processes, reducing costs, using advanced technologies and increasing the efficiency of interaction with consumers is the reorientation of management tasks for the development of printing companies in order to ensure their competitiveness. The strategic directions for the development of printing companies include: European integration, improvement of product quality in accordance with international standards, use of information technology to optimise production processes, innovation, expansion of production links, environmental friendliness and solving the problem of qualified personnel. The successful implementation of development strategies depends on optimising the appropriate level of information, resources and organisational support for the activities of printing companies. Information support is concerned with determining strategic directions through the analysis of internal and external information. The focus of resource support is on the efficient management of resources for the achievement of production efficiency. Organisational support involves creating an effective structure and motivating staff. Diversifying printing businesses in the current environment requires adopting the latest technologies and using information and communication technologies. This makes it possible to expand the range of products, increase the efficiency of production, optimise management and improve customer relations. The corporatisation of printing companies is important for business development, enabling companies to consolidate, implement large projects and expand markets. The integration of ICT contributes to the optimisation of production processes, the improvement of management efficiency and the creation of competitive advantages for printing companies. Using ICT in the printing industry plays a key role in increasing the attractiveness of companies to invest. The integration of ICT enables the optimisation of internal processes. It reduces costs, develops innovation and attracts new investors.Документ Відкритий доступ Information and Communication Technologies as a Tool for Interaction Between Strategic and Operational Management in Printing Companies(Державний університет «Одеська політехніка», 2024) Makatora, Alona; Makatora, Dmytro; Zenkin, Mykola; Kubanov, RuslanThe study confirms the key role played by information and communication technologies and business strategies in supporting the interaction between the strategic management and the operational management in a printing company. The overall conclusion is that the effective management of printing companies requires the integration of information and communication technologies with business strategies. In general, in order to improve business efficiency, optimise production processes and enhance product quality, the use of ICT in the management of printing companies plays an important role. The integration of human resources, customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning systems with the enterprise information management system allows the creation of a holistic and efficient management system that contributes to the achievement of the company’s strategic goals. Using such systems helps companies to be competitive, ensures optimising business processes and has a positive impact on their performance. Keywords: information and communication technologies, printing company, strategic and operational management, business processes, operational strategies, production reorientation, production stabilisation, full specialisation, production uniqueness, diversification, production modification.Документ Відкритий доступ Information and communication technology as a tool for increasing competitiveness in the printing industry(Сумський національний аграрний університет, 2024) Makatora, Alona; Makatora, Dmytro; Kubanov, RuslanThe study defines the role of information and communication technologies in the economy of the XXI century. It identifies the relationship between increasing competitiveness and the development of information and communication technologies in a printing company. The authors suggest that the basis for ensuring the competitiveness of a printing company is the actualisation of the role of information and communication technologies in the printing industry, as well as the following aspects of activity: automation and digital technologies; production of personalised printed products; use of electronic communication systems; application of information technologies that allow creating innovative printed products with complex design. The authors draw attention to the fact that it is important for the management to take into account potential problems when introducing innovations based on optimising the use of a complex of information and communication technologies in a company. Careful planning, analysis and assessment of possible consequences of implementation, openness to change and readiness for continuous improvement are general recommendations for the management of a company. In the view of the team of authors, particular attention should be paid to the ways in which technologies can contribute to the design and production of print products: 3D printing: using 3D printing technologies to create unique objects and parts that would be difficult or impossible to produce in any other way; Augmented Reality (AR): using AR to design printed products allows the creation of interactive elements that can interact with consumers’ smartphones or tablets; interactive QR codes: embedding QR codes in printed products allows consumers to quickly obtain additional information about a product or company by following a link or scanning a code; The article concludes that information and communication technologies open up new opportunities for the development of the printing industry, helping companies to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions and meet the needs of modern consumers.Документ Відкритий доступ Mechanism for the development of publishing houses' innovation potential(EDITORIAL PRIMMATE SAS, 2022-03-29) Makatora, Dmytro; Makatora, Alona; Zenkin, Mykola; Kovalоv, Yuriі; Pleshko, Sergey; Макатьора, Дмитро Анатолійович; Макатьора, Альона Віталіївна; Зенкін, Микола Анатолійович; Ковальов, Юрій Адіславович; Плешко, Сергій АнатолійовичThis article aims to analyze the theoretical foundations of trends and directions of the publishing and printing industry and to develop a mechanism to optimize the innovation potential of one of the printing industry enterprises. The article substantiates the role and importance of the publishing and printing complex as an essential part of the country's industry, and the basis for the material embodiment of information flows in all spheres of the economy. In particular, it is noted that this industry has significant social importance. Its level of development is a kind of indicator of the country's socio-economic situation. The concepts and economic essence of the innovative potential of the printing enterprise are disclosed, the components of this issue are defined, and the review of trends in the development of the printing industry in different countries of the world is carried out. The priority areas of the enterprise MPS "TYPE" were analyzed, the evaluation of the degree of formation of factors of effectiveness of its development was carried out, and we built the scheme of the mechanism of analysis and optimization of the innovative potential of the printing industry enterprise on the example of the company as mentioned earlier. According to the research results, it is proposed to consider the possibility of enterprise participation in both vertical and horizontal associations of enterprises with a significant number of participants.Документ Відкритий доступ Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Improving Energy Costs in the Technological and Process Constant of the Printing Industry(Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, 2024-12-16) Makatora, Dmytro; Makatora, Alona; Zenkin, Mykola; Mykhalko, Anastasiia; Shostachuk, OleksandrThe printing sphere of economic activity refers to energy-consuming industries, which determines the implementation of an organizational and economic mechanism for improving the use of energy costs in technological processes. The purpose of the study is tojustify the organizational and economic mechanism of improving energy costs in the technological and process constant of the functioning of business structures in the printing industry based on the identification of the key features and structural components of the development, taking into account specific features. The feasibility of developingan organizational and economic mechanism for improving energy costs in the technological and process constant was proven by the analysis of the global investment trends in the projects onenergy-efficient technologies. The problems of ensuring the improvement of energy costs at production enterprises are highlighted in the research. The key aspects of the functional focus of the organizational and economic mechanismfor improving energy costs in the direction of optimizing the energy potential of enterprises in the printing industry have been studied. The principles of the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism for improving energy costs in the technological and process constant of the functioning of entrepreneurial structures in the printing industry are substantiated. The managerial components of the organizational and economic mechanism for improving energy costs of enterprises in the printing industry are singled out. The organizational and economic mechanism for improving energy costs in the technological and process constant of the functioning of entrepreneurial structures in the printing industry is proposed.Документ Відкритий доступ The analysis of printing equipment manufacturing(AD ALTA-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2022) Zenkin, Mykola; Makatora, Dmytro; Ivanko, Andrii; Makatora, Alona; Зенкін, Микола Анатолійович; Макатьора, Дмитро Анатолійович; Іванко, Андрій Іванович; Макатьора, Альона ВіталіївнаPrinted materials, including books, illustrated magazines, advertising materials, posters, and consumer product packaging, are an integral part of today’s global economy, science, and culture. Modern printing equipment, supplies, and new technologies allow the creation of a wide assortment of printed products – from exclusive printed, electronic or combined editions, high-quality advertising posters, or brochures to creative packaging with a complex design. Originality, exclusivity, and prestige can be given to printed products using hybrid and ultraviolet technologies, elaborate engraving, metallic color treatment, coloring with traditional, matte, and shimmering varnishes, etc. The efficient functioning of printing equipment companies is a fundamental component of global economic development. Therefore, it deserves thorough research to optimize the development of printing equipment manufacturers. This article aims to analyze the features of manufacturing and the main trends in the printing machines production in the world. During the research, we used the bibliographic method to study the scientific literature on the use and manufacture of printing equipment, as well as general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, generalization) for helpful clarification of individual aspects of manufacturing equipment for the printing industry. According to the study results, we achieved the following tasks: ‒ identified the most well-known manufacturers of printing equipment; ‒ outlined production trends in the printing industry; ‒ considered the location of publishing industry enterprises in the world countries; ‒ assessed the distribution of printing equipment production by types of machines and the demand for offset printing machines in different countries.Документ Відкритий доступ Using ICT in printing: economic transformation, evolution and prospects(ВИДАВНИЧИЙ ДІМ «ІНЖЕК», 2023) Makatora, Alona; Makatora, Dmytro; Kubanov, RuslanThe purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the use of information and communication technologies in the printing industry; to substantiate the feasibility of technological transformation in terms of the prospects for economic development of the selected industry. Processing of primary data to provide the user with the necessary information is the main task of using information technology in the printing industry. Three main blocks – knowledge base, decisionmaking and intellectual interface – make up the structure of an intelligent printing system. In terms of decision-making, an intelligent printing system is defined as an information and computer system with artificial intelligence that solves problems without human intervention, in contrast to an intelligent system where the operator is involved in the decision-making process. The following types of intelligent systems are identified: intelligent information systems, expert printing systems, computational and logical systems, hybrid intelligent systems, reflex intelligent systems. It is noted that taking into account market trends, adapting to the environment and quickly adjusting their development strategy to occupy their niche in the market is important for the successful functioning of publishing and printing companies. According to the authors, this is possible based on using ICT in printing. Integrating modern technologies into the printing industry can positively influence efficiency and competitiveness. Adopting digital technologies will allow printing companies to be more flexible and respond quickly to changing market conditions, which is important for its development. In conclusion, it can be said that information and communication technologies have a great potential for the transformation of the printing industry in Ukraine. Companies will be able to automate and optimise production processes, reduce costs and improve product quality through the introduction of modern technologies. In addition, by introducing new print formats and creating specialised products for the digital market, the development of information technology will expand the range of services. According to the authors, this approach will help Ukrainian companies to compete internationally and take their products to new markets, helping to develop the whole industry. In addition, there will be a stimulus for innovation and the development of new services, which in turn will contribute to the growth of the industry as a whole.Документ Відкритий доступ Using Information Technologies to Manage Printing Production: Integration and Optimisation Based on the System-Process Approach(ВИДАВНИЧИЙ ДІМ «ІНЖЕК», 2024) Makatora, Alona; Makatora, Dmytro; Zenkin, Mykola; Kubanov, RuslanTaking into account the characteristics of the system-process approach, the study considers the importance of the use of information technologies in the management of the production of printed products. The information structure is considered to be an organised system for collecting, processing, storing and distributing the necessary information required for management decision making. This structure aims to ensure that the information is available, accurate and relevant, which is required to manage the production process. By considering the interrelationships of all elements of the production process and establishing optimal information exchange procedures to achieve management objectives, the system-process management approach is used. This helps to improve coordination between the company’s departments. It also reduces production time and increases the level of quality and productivity. A wide range of tasks, from order processing and preparation of production documentation to control and analysis of production results, are involved in the creation of a company’s management information structure. Production planning, customer invoicing and scheduling of production processes are also important aspects of management. They help to ensure an efficient production process and customer satisfaction. A comprehensive system of information and management components is used to create and use an information structure for managing the production of printed products based on a system-process approach. These components include information technology, production process management systems, and logistics process management systems. The aim is to automate and optimise production processes in the printing industry. In particular, it is possible to optimise the processes of interaction between customers and producers through the development of print production using information technologies and automated management systems. This helps to improve the quality of the service and to make management decisions on a more informed basis. The study notes that effective operational management of receiving orders in the printing industry is critical to running a successful business. Key elements of this process include the proper collection and management of information. Initial data plays an important role in order acceptance and fulfilment, such as customer requirements, requirement structure, financial conditions and order volume. This information enables you to communicate effectively with customers, understand their needs, and estimate profitability and cost to produce. Key aspects of production management include responding quickly to changes in demand, optimising processes and fulfilling orders on time. In order to maintain the efficient functioning of the company, it is important that the data is current, updated and accessible to all parties involved in the process. It is concluded that a properly organised information structure based on the system-process approach is an important component of successful print production management. It contributes to the optimisation of work processes and increases the productivity of the company. Keywords: management of printing production, information technologies, information structure, system-process approach, management decision, economic development, competition.