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Перегляд 2016 за Дата публікації
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Документ Відкритий доступ Die überlegungen zur auswahl des landeskundlichen lehrstoffs(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Dzykovych, O. V.; Turysheva, O. O.Der vorliegende Artikel behandelt theoretische sowie empirische Überlegungen zur landeskundlichen Stoffauswahl, die eine ganze Reihe von Fragen in diesem Bereich zur Diskussion bringen. Die Autorin nennt wesentliche Schwierigkeiten, die Problematik der Landeskunde als Fach und dessen Stoffauswahl verursachen. Ein Teil des Artikels widmet sich der Auflistung von Ansätzen, mit denen die Auswahl des landeskundlichen Materials erfolgt. Dabei werden die wichtigsten Kriterien genannt, die diese Auswahl bestimmen. Im Weiteren werden die Lerninhalte vs. Fähigkeiten der Lehrenden sowie Lernenden analysiert. Die vorliegende Analyse verdeutlicht die Liste der Stoffauswahlkriterien und anhand der bildgebenden Fragen gibt einige Richtlinien für die Stoffauswahl im Unterricht. Von der Autorin wird auch ein Versuch unternommen, einen Vorschlag für eine lernerorientierte Stoffauswahl unter interkultureller Sicht zu machen, wobei sie exemplarisches Lernen und prozedurales Wissen im Vordergrund stellt.Документ Відкритий доступ The peculiarities of corporality manifestation in the prose works of meta-modernism period (on the basis of cyberpunk genre)(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Havrylenko, V. M.The article gives the observation of the ways the phenomenon of corporality is manifested via linguistic means in the texts that belong to the period of meta-modernism and specifically – in texts, which belong to the genre of cyberpunk. In the process of our research, we investigated the linguistic means of forming the human being corporality in the circumstances of virtual reality communication, which is described in the works of Paul di Filippo and William Gibson. We researched different vectors of possible corporality manifestation, represented in the works – the transfer of the human mind into Web along with physical disembodiment and the linguistic means which describe and accompany the process of such transfer and describe the peculiarities of such existence; we also paid attention to linguistic means which touched the sphere of bionic body improvement, and specifically, we paid attention to reasons which made people extend their corporality and the titles of these corporality extensions – various body implants and mechanical editions. From the linguistic point of view, the second sphere is of a special interest for lexicology because the means which are involved in corporality descriptions are built with the help of language means i.e. adding prefixes. The topicality of the article is based on the fact of absence of any linguistic works devoted to the cyberpunk genre in Ukrainian philology and literature studies, so it gives a floor for research from various points of stylistics, neology, the theory of literature etc.Документ Відкритий доступ Український іменослов: культурна поліфонія(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Герасимчук, В. А.; Нечипоренко, А. Ф.У статті розкривається складний, суперечливий процес становлення українського іменослову в спільному східнослов’янському просторі. Простежується власне давньоруський період з ідентичними слов’янськими іменами, період запозичення імен з православних святців, переважно грецьких, а також єврейських, латинських. У статті визначено семантико-словотвірні моделі онімів та їх вплив на формування сучасної антропонімічної системи української мови. Зосереджено увагу на періоді формування української іменної системи, знаний, як період «антропонімічних ножиць», на питаннях щодо трансформування запозичених імен у системі української мови, їх кореляції, змістових та формальних (фонетичних, словотвірних, морфологічних). У статті подається поліфонічна картина сучасного стану українського іменослову.Документ Відкритий доступ “Personal beginning of author” as one of text properties in memoirs(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Kolosova, H. A.This article describes theproblem of current importance for the modern linguistics of text and discourse – the analysis of such specific property as “personal beginning of author” or “personality” in the text of memoirs. The author analyzes specifics of functioning of this property in the space of Winston Churchill’s memoirs «My Early Life», which serves as a basic material for the research. Analysis also includes semantic and functional aspects of onomasticon of memoirs to reveal processes of cooperation of language tools inside intratextual space. The article results in extension of the classic roles of memoirs author not only as a narrator and a recaller. In case of memoirs writer also becomes a participant, or perceiver of primary information, and contemporary of events, or a perceiver of secondary information. Text creation of memoirs depends on the method of dialogism, because without the addressee memoirs cannot reveal its idea, directing to the reader and his perception. Communication between author and reader works in the same way as the process of “communication” between parts of a text and even separate lexical units (such as proper names), producing coherent memoirs. The purpose of text creation is determined by the identification of the writer as a personality, his language realization, setting his goals through the memoirs.Документ Відкритий доступ Extralingual and lingual means in the texts of business documents(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Borkovska, I. P.The article examines the features of the extralingual and lingual means in the texts of business documents. The research serves to clarify how extralingual means, such as connection between communication and vital functions of people, the existence of explicit content, precision, nonperson character, standardization, stereotypes in the text structure, obliging character, objectivity, imperative character, documentation, formality, laconicism influence lingual means in the texts of business documents. We conducted a thorough analysis of lingual means in business documents, which make up exclusive system and the base of this system contains the units of three levels: lexical, morphological and syntactic. On the ground that content of the business text depends on the sphere of social life where this text exists, it can contain social, political, juridical, scientific vocabulary. Nevertheless, after the detailed lexical analysis of the certain layer of vocabulary was highlighted. Business vocabulary includes clichés, archaic words and phrases and it is considered as a typical peculiarity of such a text. A number of the borrowing words especially French and Latin was analyzed. It should be noted that contractions, abbreviation, verbonominants are widespread in this kind of the texts. In addition, key peculiarities of verbs, used in the texts of business documents, are illustrated.Документ Відкритий доступ Impact des particularites cognitives des etudiants des facultes techniques sur l'apprentissage du francais sur objectifs specifiques(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Bondar, L. V.; Choumtchenko, Т. I.Le présent article aborde la question de l'apprentissage du français de spécialité par les étudiants des facultés techniques. Les auteurs analysent l'influence des capacités langagières, l'impact des particularités individuelles d'ordre cognitif, affectif, social, de situation, notamment les styles d'apprentissage des apprenants, sur l'efficacité de la formation des compétences en communication inerculturelle. Les caractéristiques psychologiques et cognitives, propres aux représentants du même domaine se reflètent dans les structures verbales de la transmission de l'information, dans la dominance de certaines façons de la percevoir, de son traitement, de sa réutilisation et de sa production. L'étude a permis de conclure que pour la formation de la compétence en communication interculturelle les facteurs mentionnés doivent être pris en considération, et il est nécessaire de favoriser chez un étudiant une auto-observation, ce qui lui permettra d'éviter certaines difficultés, d'adapter ses particularités cognitives et affectives, ses stratégies à la réalisation d'une tâche en fonction de la situation et développer certaines capacités langagières. Les recherches montrent que la plupart des étudiants en sciences techniques ont un style analytique qui est lié aux aspects du fonctionnement cérébral et dont les spécificités se manifestent dans la préférence pour le mode sériel de la perception et de la compréhension, du traitement séquentiel et algorithmique de l'information et de sa production. Les auteurs proposent certains devoirs qui visent à former la compétence des apprenants en sciences techniques en communication interculutrelle et dans lesquels les facteurs mentionnés ci-dessus sont pris en compte. L'analyse de la question abordée a montré qu'avant tout un étudiant doit savoir recourir à une stratégie adaptée à son objectif, ce qui est possible si en apprenant il peut s'observer et rendre souple son style d'apprentissage.Документ Відкритий доступ The improving of efficiency in foreign language teaching(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Lomakina, L. V.This article provides an overview of foreign and Ukrainian experience of using new information technologies in foreign language teaching. On the basis of pedagogical and psychological literature modern multimedia technologies of training, including distance education were characterized. The role and place of new information technologies in teaching and educational process are defined; the basic concepts of distance learning are specified and determined; the methodical and technical aspects of foreign language training programs through the certain distance learning models and educational and methodical complexes promoting the improvement of thequality of educational process are introduced. The most important characteristics of advanced informational and educational environment of hi-tech DL are formulated. The algorithm for theintroduction of computer technologies in the process of foreign language teaching is described. Also, it is mentioned that the chosen didactic computer programs are adequate to the developed training models. Distance learning methods are analyzed and the pedagogical need for distance learning of foreign languages is identified. It is proved that effective use of modern information technologies creates real possibilities of improving the quality of education and the existing didactic models for distance learning of foreign languages with the use of information technologies significantly affect the quality of foreign language teaching.Документ Відкритий доступ Comunicative approach in grammar teaching(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Pavlovych, A. V.; Ivanova, O. O.The subject of the article is grammar teaching in terms of communicative approach. Communicative language teaching (CLT) is the basic constituent of modern foreign language teaching. Implementation of CLT led to a number of changes in teaching strategies. Learners do not just learn from a teacher but do their own information research. Grammatical competence is an important constituent of communicative competence. Learning grammar does not include only rules but use of the rules as a partof fluent communication. Comprehension of grammar material is indispensable. Learning new grammatical patterns is done by means of context when learners try to infer a rulei. e. meaning of a certain grammatical structure from what they read or hear. Teachers have to use different methods based on interaction and life-related situations to help learners acquire new grammar material. CLT requires a creative approach to grammar teaching. Different forms of group work are inescapable. Inductive method is used in new grammar material teaching. There is also a cognitive constituent in teaching grammar, which implies that learners have to perceive new grammatical structure and comprehend it in real-life situations. A teacher is a facilitator for learners helping and guiding them throughout a learning process.Документ Відкритий доступ Pragmatic superstructure of argumentative discourse in technical research papers(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Doronkina, N. Ye.The article deals with pragmatic superstructure of argumentative discourse in technical research papers. Different approaches to pragmatics study including the theory of speech acts are outlined. The scientific article is considered as implementation of the author’s plan to achieve the specific goals taking into consideration the reader’s interest. The main concepts of the theory are described. The paper uses the types of speech acts according to J.Searle’s taxonomy of illocutionary acts. The main parameters of speech acts are mentioned. The theory of three complicated speech acts classes in accordance with the types of relation between illocutionary goals is discussed. The article analyzes the features of various argumentation types in terms of the complicated speech acts classes. The sequence of speech acts as a complex speech unit is discussed. In particular, the author draws reader’s attention to the requirements for the speech acts within the sequences which is recognized as a macrospeech act. The functional relationships determined by A.Ferrara between the speech acts within the sequence are stressed. Much attention is given to macrorules that derive global speech acts from macrospeech acts. The process of singling out the conventional functional relationships between global speech acts is illustrated. The fragment of pragmatic superstructure for the genre of technical research papers is created.Документ Відкритий доступ Pragmatic characteristics of scientific and technical texts(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Hordiienko, N. M.; Batiuta, T. V.This research paper outlines the main peculiarities of scientific and technical text in terms of pragmatic science. Communicative and pragmatic characteristics of scientific and technical texts are considered in present article as well as other important constituents of pragmatic relations, such as communicative intention, content, composition, participants of scientific communication and signature style. Theoretical principles of pragmatic text research on the basis of national and foreign researchers’ concepts have been analyzed. The main participants of scientific and technical communication, namely addresser and addressee have been considered as key constituents required for establishing communicative and pragmatic situation, communicative intention conveying and realization of communicative and pragmatic potential. It has been noted that the process of scientific communication is closely connected with pragmatic aspect and speech communication and should be considered in terms of its main participant – an individual, who acts as a key element of pragmatic meaning actualization. The emphasis has been put on pragmatic functions, namely informative, cognitive, persuasive, explanatory, communicative and didactic as well as their actualization in scientific text. Being in the scope of our interest, scientific and technical texts are built under the influence of extralinguistic factors such as background information or diversified interests of the participants of communication. A great attention has been also paid to pragmatically-notional elements of scientific and technical texts, in particular,metatextual mental performatives whereby pragmatic meaning of theparticular message is realized.Документ Відкритий доступ Projects with the use of internet technologies in foreign language learning(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Svirepchuk, I. A.This article deals with the different types of project activities related to the use of the Internet, since the use of such technologies can create conditions for the formation and development of foreign language skills of the students, as well as cause interest to the independent creative and search activity, taking into account their personal needs and circumstances. The article discusses web quest, which can be characterized as a project in which the Internet is used as the main source of information, the main feature of which is to provide students with a list of specific sites, compiled by the teacher. Also the article gives consideration to website creation as one of the models of organization of project activities. The main thing in such project is the content of the website. The information forming the basis for a website must be interesting to the project participants as well as to visitors. The website has its own structure: the main page; module containing the original data on the topic of investigation; module that contains the results of students’ research; module that contains information about the participants of the project. The article also discussed international telecommunication projects (Web projects), which include elements such as web quests, and websites, and involve a variety of capabilities and resources of the Internet. The article focuses on two kinds of writing online communication -- synchronous (Chat) and asynchronous (E-mail).Документ Відкритий доступ Argumentative discourse of technical research papers in the context of rhetorical structure theory(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Doronkina, N. Ye.The article deals with Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). It is shown that the theory is a very helpful descriptive tool not only for microstructure but for macrostructure as well. The role of rhetorical relations in argumentative discourse in the sphere of science is described. The structure of Toulmin's argumentation model in the context of rhetorical relations is given. The relations taking place between the model components are analyzed. They are divided into four groups according to the type of causal link. All rhetorical relations are analyzed by means of decomposition into nucleus and satellite. The group of basic causal relations is parted in agreement with the degree of speaker participation. The group of Conditional relations is presented in full paradigm. In considering the group of purposeful relations such factors as cognitive states of readers and speakers are taken into account. Concessive relations are discussed from two points of view. Macrostructure of scientific papers argumentative discourse is outlined in the context of topical content. To describe macrostructure of discourse such multinuclear schemas as Joint are used. RST diagram for Introduction chapter is shown. The examples of all rhetorical relations taken from technical research papers are presented.Документ Відкритий доступ Mistake correction in teaching EFL(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Hordiienko, N. M.; Batiuta, T. V.This article deals with the importance of proper mistake correction in the process of teaching English as a foreign language as well as the challenges English language teachers regularly face when eliciting mistakes made by students. The analysis of the main strategies presented by leading local and foreign scientists concerning the problem of opportune mistake correction is carried out. The article focuses on the importance of the problem mentioned and provides detailed classification of different types of mistakes that can be made by students in the process of acquiring new language skills. Taking into consideration the deficiency of system development of methods and approaches to correcting mistakes during the lesson, the following scientific research is focused on scrutinising all sorts of possible solutions of the problem arising from the necessity to wisely correct mistakes. The problem of when to correct, how often and what kind of mistakes are to be corrected is given due consideration in the following article. The vital importance of facilitating favourable friendly atmosphere that would “allow” students to make mistakes is highlighted. Students’ psychological problems that may arise in the process of incorrect mistake correction are considered. The article is of great help to all foreign language teachers interested in effective implementation of modern techniques and approaches that can have a positive impact on the teaching process.Документ Відкритий доступ Компетентнісний підхід до полікультурного навчання вчителів(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Ковалинська, І. В.Стаття присвячена виявленню основних вимог до формування компетентностей вчителя в умовах мультикультурного навчального середовища в країнах Західної Європи, та імплементації цих вимог до умов України. Автор вказує, що основні компетентності європейського вчителя –це: вміння працювати в етнічно гетерогенному класі, створювати сприятливу атмосферу для розвитку усіх студентів; уміння співпрацювати з батьками і громадою; розвиток мовних компетентностей. Автором розроблено основи системи полікультурної освіти в Україні, основними структурними компонентами якої є інституційний, цільовий, змістовий, операційно діяльнісний, результативний. Авторка вказує на можливості використання досвіду окремих західноєвропейських країн для розбудови певних компонентів полікультурної освіти в Україні.Документ Відкритий доступ Apprentissage de la traduction des textes pharmaceutiques francais, aspects linguistique et methodologique(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Bondar, L. V.; Choumtchenko, Т. I.Le présent article aborde la question de l'apprentissage de la traduction des textes pharmaceutiques français, notamment des notices. Les auteurs analysent les particularités lexico-sémantiques, grammaticales et structurelles des textes mentionnés dans le but de définir les problèmes potentiels liés à leur traduction.L'étude a permis de distinguer dans la notice française quatre zones informationnelles importantes qui ont leurs propres moyens langagiers et les procédés de l'expression du potentiel pragmatique du texte. Les recherches montrent que les textes pharmaceutiques français comportent un grand nombre de termes issus de domaines différents, de termes d'origines latine et grecque; la segmentation des notices françaises diffère beaucoup de celles de la langue ukrainienne, tout cela doit être pris en considération lors de l'élaboration des exercices destinés à l'apprentissage de la traduction des textes de ce genre. Les auteurs proposent certains devoirs visant à former la compétence des étudiants des facultés de lettre en traduction des textes techniques et scientifiques, y compris des textes pharmaceutiques. L'étude a permis de conclure que les particularités langagières et structurales des notices françaises aussi bien que les aspects psycholinguistiques de la formation des savoir-faire doivent servir de base pour l'élaboration rationnelle des exercices, de leurs types et groupes, visant à l'apprentissage efficace de la traduction des notices des étudiants des facultés linguistiques.Документ Відкритий доступ Descriptive translation and word formation methods of neologisms in thematic groups(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Prysiazhniuk, I. S.Word formation process is considered to be the form of language functioning essential for vocabulary arrangement and reality representation as well. Neologisms in any language are the evidence of dynamic processes in language which adapts to rapidchanges in the modern world. American and British cultures have great influence on Ukrainian society due to political and economic reasons, not to mention the growing number of TV series, shows, films and music. Integration processes and anew strategy of country development contribute to theoccurrence of new notions and realities as well. New words are formed by means of both borrowings and word formation methods typical for a specific language, which is why the problem of translation has always been paid much attention to. Adequate translation requires accurate analysis of context, stylistic features of the text and word formation methods to produce the most suitable equivalent. When theselection of equivalent is not possible due to the lack of lexical means in the target language, descriptive translation is the most versatile means. The article deals with the descriptive translation of neologisms within thematic groups, the notion of neologism, their classification, ways of word formation and the dependence of accurate translation on the correct analysis of the word structure. The suitability and effectiveness of descriptive translation were also analyzed in terms of conveying the meaning of neologism.Документ Відкритий доступ Formation of communicative culture of students in the process of extracurricular work in higher technical educational institutions(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Feschuk, A.The essence of the concept of “communicative culture” and its importance in the training of engineers in technical higher educational institutions in the process of extracurricular work are revealed in the article. The content of extracurricular work in the training of engineers in modern technical higher educational institution is analyzed. The components of extracurricular work and their characteristics are clarified and specified. The conditions of the educational environment that influence the development of students’ communicative culture are described. The factors that affect the efficiency of extracurricular work in higher technical educational institutions are identified. Traditional and interactive methods that are effective in the formation of communicative culture of future engineers are singled out. The conditions of educational environment that influence the students’ development and the means of improving the quality of training and education of future specialists are examined. Extracurricular work is pointed out as an important factor of formation of the communicative culture of students. The formation of communicative culture which is directed to the development of students' communicative literacy, competence and system of values, their morally spiritual world and stimulus of motivation to self-perfection are reflected in the article.Документ Відкритий доступ Development of students` writing skills: focus on academic essay(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Svyrydova, L. G.; Ameridze, O. S.The article deals with the importance of development the academic writing skills of technical university students. The focus has been made on essay-type written work as the most common type of writing which is considered to be a good basis for the further, more fundamental academic writings like diploma work or dissertation. Furthermore, students have to be aware of writing an essay when taking exams, especially language proficiency tests of international level. Thus, most students feel the strong motivation and readiness to master academic writing skills. The article reveals the concept of academic writing, its main features and types of academic written works. Also, this article displays the notion of the essay as a genre of academic writing and in details examines the structure of the essay, highlighting the peculiarities. More specifically there have been described the core parts of an essay, namely, introduction, body and conclusion. The significance of well-formulated thesis statement also has been underlined. In addition, there has been proposed a list of useful words and phrases to make an essay easy to read. For students the comprehension of academic writing skills along with speaking, reading and listening is very substantial for making up an image of a highly-skilled and prosperous specialist.Документ Відкритий доступ Syntactic organization of german sms texts(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Bezzubova, O. O.In information-oriented society electronic communication became massively important. SMS communication as a type of electronic communication and the form of technically indirect intercourse is in great popularity with all social strata representatives. SMS communication technical determinants caused the appearance of SMS communication space as well as new text type – SMS text. German SMS text is characterized by specific syntactic structure that depends on the communication channel, technically indirect communication conditions and communication purposes of SMS communicators. The reduction of plane of content and plane of expression in SMS texts occurs due to concise conveyance of information. Simple texts, texts of average complexity and complex texts of SMS messages are distinguished based on the syntactic structure of German SMS messages. The SMS texts of average complexity (925 of texts) that contain from one to five simple, compound and/or complex sentences are of the highest priority among German SMS communicators. The greatest productivity is revealed through average complexity German SMS texts composing of one sentence (42,5 % of total number of average texts).Документ Відкритий доступ The role of presentation in educational process(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Chizhova, N. V.; Antonenko, I. I.The article highlights the main features of the modern educational process at the university. The purpose of the university is not only to provide students with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and above all to create a mobile person, capable to self development, self-education and using creative approach to solve any problem. The article emphasizes the importance and necessity of using interactive teaching methods, among which the multimedia presentation takes the special place. Its main functions, features and capabilities illustrate its undeniable advantages. There are four main stages in the preparation of any presentation: plan development, scientific research, direct preparation and rehearsing the presentation. The article describes the main requirements for text components of slides. It presents and illustrates examples of opening and closing demonstrative techniques. The authors, based on their own experience of teaching, demonstrate how the presentation can be used in the study of foreign languages in higher technical education.
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