Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія
Постійне посилання на фонд
ISSN 2308-7382 (Online), ISSN 1813-5420 (Print)
Періодичність: 4 рази на рік
Рік заснування: 2000
Тематика: глобальні проблеми енергетики та енергетична безпека, енергетика сталого розвитку, міжгалузеві проблеми і системні дослідження в паливно-енергетичному секторі, енергетичні системи та комплекси, лібералізовані ринки енергії, Smart Grid системи та технології, енергетична ефективність та енергозбереження, енергетичний менеджмент та аудит, технології та обладнання в енергетиці, моніторинг, діагностика та керування енергетичними процесами та обладнанням, економічні аспекти енергетики, системні еколого-енергетичні дослідження, екологічні проблеми в енергетиці.
Офіційний сайт: https://energy.kpi.ua/
Рік заснування: 2000
Тематика: глобальні проблеми енергетики та енергетична безпека, енергетика сталого розвитку, міжгалузеві проблеми і системні дослідження в паливно-енергетичному секторі, енергетичні системи та комплекси, лібералізовані ринки енергії, Smart Grid системи та технології, енергетична ефективність та енергозбереження, енергетичний менеджмент та аудит, технології та обладнання в енергетиці, моніторинг, діагностика та керування енергетичними процесами та обладнанням, економічні аспекти енергетики, системні еколого-енергетичні дослідження, екологічні проблеми в енергетиці.
Офіційний сайт: https://energy.kpi.ua/
Перегляд Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія за Назва
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Документ Відкритий доступ 3D-моделювання систем блискавкозахисту об’єктів електричних мереж(НТУУ "КПІ", 2014) Казанський, С. В.; Мальцев, В. В.; Kazanskiy, S.; Maltsev, V.; Казанский, С. В.; Мальцев, В. В.Документ Відкритий доступ 75 славних і знаменних років Навчально-Науковому Інституту Енергозбереження та Енергоменеджменту КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського!(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021) Денисюк, С. П.; Ган, А. Л.; Данілін, О. В.; Сергієнко, М. І.Документ Відкритий доступ A fuzzy logic based navigation system for a mobile robot in uncertain environment(НТУУ "КПІ", 2015) Tsmots, I.; Teslyuk, V.; Romanyuk, A.; Vavruk, I.; Цмоць, І.; Теслюк, В.; Романюк, А.; Ваврук, І.; Цмоць, И.; Теслюк, В.; Романюк, А.; Ваврук, И.Документ Відкритий доступ Aggregation price models for Microgrids with distributed energy resources(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Denysiuk, S.; Derevianko, D.; Bielokha, H.; Zaichenko, S.The development of Microgrid states the problem of choosing the optimal technologies for its composition. This paper is to present cost based demand-side management methods for the Microgrids with Distributed Generation sources to optimize their operation. While implementing variable pricing models the aggregator should take into account characteristics of different Distributed Energy Resources (DER) (diesel engines, gas turbines, fuel cells, solar panels, small hydropower plants and wind turbines) and LCOE for each type of DER to stimulate each local electricity market participant separately. The system Microgrid using three diesel generators and the option of replacing one generator with a solar electric and wind generator installation was considered.Документ Відкритий доступ Alternative production of bio-fuel from the bye products of oil spillage(НТУУ "КПІ", 2016) Vovk, O.; Kravchuk, R.; Lutc, A.; Adeniyi, Ch.; Gladysheva, V.; Вовк, О. О.; Кравчук, Р.; Луц, А. О.; Аденій, К.; Гладышева, В. А.; Вовк, О. А.; Кравчук, Р.; Луц, А. О.; Адений, К.; Гладишева, В. А.Документ Відкритий доступ Analysis of factors for forecasting electric power generation by solar power plants(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020) Matushkin, D.; Bosak, А.; Kulakovskyi, L.The new model of the wholesale electricity market in Ukraine causes appearance the market for the day ahead. In this market, the generating company undertakes to supply a certain amount of electricity. So, it is necessary to carry on the most accurate forecast of possible electricity generation by solar power plant (SPP). Generation value depends on certain factors. A brief summary of different influence of parameters on the PV cell performance has been provided. The article analyzes and identifies the factors that should be included in the forecast mathematical model of electricity generation by a solar power plant for a certain short-term period. According to analyzed data from SPP located in the Kyiv region, such parameters are the intensity of solar radiation, temperature and humidity, wind speed, and atmospheric pressure. The degree of influence of these factors on the initial function of electric energy generation were estimated by analyzing the scatter plot diagrams of relationship between parameters and correlation coefficients. Thus, the analysis of the influence of factors on the magnitude of electricity generation allowed to determine the priority of including each of the parameters in the mathematical model of the SPP power forecast. It was established that the influence of certain climate parameters for target function is different in each season. Therefore, in the mathematical model for forecasting electric power generation, it is necessary to take into account seasonality. In addition, the dynamic value change of factors also affects the current magnitude of electricity generation. Moreover, at different times of the year and with different combination of the corresponding values of climatic parameters, this effect may have different magnitudes. Therefore, the data obtained from the last periods before the forecasting should have a greater impact on obtaining the predicted value than the data from previous periods.Документ Відкритий доступ Analysis of the control system of a wind plant connected to the ac network(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Nerubatskyi, V.; Hordiienko, D.The dynamics of the development of alternative power sources over the past few decades are presented, which gives reason to talk about the trends in the further development of wind energy. An analysis of the structures and technical characteristics of wind generators is provided, namely, types of electric motors, power circuits of semiconductor converters that provide the generation of electrical energy to the general industrial electrical network. The issue of the possibility of operation of wind generators in wide wind ranges, the issue of emission of reactive power and higher harmonics of currents to the general industrial electrical network, as well as the issue of the efficiency of various structures of wind generators are considered. A wind turbine control system with an asynchronous generator is proposed. A study of transient control processes and energy compatibility of a full energy conversion wind turbine with a power supply network by simulation computer modeling in the Matlab / Simulink software environment is given. The obtained result indicates the possibility of operation of an asynchronous generator with a short-circuited rotor as part of a wind turbine, which makes it possible to provide power to the alternating current network at low wind speeds.Документ Відкритий доступ Analysis of the potential and perspectives of the development of biomass technologies in Ukraine(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Trachuk, A.This article provides an in-depth analysis of the potential and prospects for the development of biomass technologies in Ukraine. An overview of the current state of biomass use in the energy, industrial and agricultural sectors of the country is being carried out. The article examines in detail different types of biomass such as wood, agricultural residues, biological waste, etc., and their potential for producing energy and other useful products. Particular attention is paid to technological innovations in the field of biomass processing, including processes of biogasification, pyrolysis and hydrothermal conversion. The authors analyze the ecological and economic aspects of using biomass as an energy source, considering its impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring the country's energy independence. In addition, the article examines important legislative and strategic initiatives aimed at supporting the development of biomass use in Ukraine, and puts forward proposals for further steps to stimulate this direction. In general, the article serves as a valuable source of information for scientists, experts and decision-makers interested in the development of sustainable energy and the use of renewable energy sources in Ukraine. Recommendations for the further development of the use of biomass in Ukraine are formulated, taking into account the importance of solving environmental problems and energy independence. Summarizing, the article not only offers an in-depth analysis of the potential and prospects for the development of biomass technologies, but also defines the ways for the practical realization of this potential in the conditions of modern energy and environmental challenges.Документ Відкритий доступ Analysis of the Smart Grid concept in the railway traction power supply system(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Nerubatskyi, V. P.; Hordiienko, D. A.The Smart Grid network system is a concept of a fully integrated, self-regulating and renewable electric power system, which has a network topology and includes all generating sources, trunk and distribution networks and all types of electric energy consumers, managed by a single network of information and control devices and systems in real time mode. The article proposes the introduction of the Smart Grid concept into the traction power supply system of railways. The functional properties and technical solutions that will allow implementing the principles of Smart Grid intelligent power supply systems are considered. A comparative description of the functional properties of the existing energy system and the energy system based on the Smart Grid concept is presented. Possibilities of introducing Smart Grid into the traction power supply system of direct current due to increasing the carrying capacity of trunk networks, consumption management, location of distributed energy sources in distribution networks and closer to consumers have been determined. The limits of the energy-saving effect from the introduction of the Smart Grid concept into the traction power supply system have been determined.Документ Відкритий доступ Analysis of topology of the autotransformer forward-flyback converter for photovoltaic panel(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Nerubatskyi, V.; Hordiienko, D.Thе аnаlysіs оf cоnvеrtеrs cоntrоllіng оnly а pаrt оf thе оutput pоwеr іn phоtоvоltаіc systеms wаs cаrrіеd оut. Thе аrchіtеcturе оf dіstrіbutеd trаckіng оf thе mаxіmum pоwеr іs cоnsіdеrеd, whіch іs оnе оf thе mоst prоmіsіng sоlutіоns fоr оvеrcоmіng thе shоrtcоmіngs аssоcіаtеd wіth а dеcrеаsе іn thе еnеrgy еffіcіеncy оf phоtоvоltаіc pаnеls. Thе tоpоlоgy оf thе аutоtrаnsfоrmеr fоrwаrd-flybаck cоnvеrtеr fоr phоtоvоltаіc pаnеl іs gіvеn. Thе prіncіplе оf оpеrаtіоn оf thе cоnvеrtеr аnd thе flоw оf currеnt іn thе cіrcuіt durіng swіtchіng аrе prеsеntеd. Thе mеthоd оf cаlculаtіng thе оutput pоwеr оf thе cоnvеrtеr іn thе DMPPT аrchіtеcturе wіth а sеrіеs cоnnеctіоn, іn whіch thе cіrcuіt vоltаgе іs fіxеd by thе cеntrаl іnvеrtеr, dеpеnds оn thе gеnеrаtеd pоwеr оf thе phоtоvоltаіc pаnеls cоnnеctеd tо оnе cіrcuіt, іs оbtаіnеd. Thе pоwеr gеnеrаtеd by phоtоvоltаіc pаnеls wаs cаlculаtеd dеpеndіng оn thе stаtе оf thеіr shаdіng.Документ Відкритий доступ Analysis of use of Trapa natans as alternative fuel for boiler(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020) Naumenko, D.; Hrebeniuk, Т.; Zakladnyi, O.; Bronytskyi, V.The article considers the search for alternative fuel relevant for the present question. For example, the use of wood pellets or biomass. The use of biofuels can also put a stop to the biggest environmental problem - climate change on the planet. Biofuels have less effect on the greenhouse effect, because plants that then use as biofuels absorb carbon from the atmosphere and produce oxygen. The properties of Trapa natans spread and multiply rapidly, make it possible to consider it as an alternative fuel for boiler houses of the hot water supply system (HWS). Coal combustion is usually characterized by high combustion temperatures and contains more sulfur and nitrogen than wood and other biomass. This means that the burning of coal leads to the release of sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxides, as well as toxic pollutants that are bound by adsorption or absorption. Wood combustion smoke also contains gaseous air pollutants, which may have a number of adverse health effects. Among these gases are carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, acrolein, formaldehyde, benzene, and other organic compounds, including carboxylic acids, numerous saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds, and oxygen organic compounds. Combustion of biomass, which, for example, as a result of salt water treatment or transport by sea, contains chlorine, can also lead to emissions of chloro-organic compounds. To establish a connection between the combustion heat and the calorific value of the substance, the equations of the chemical combustion reaction are analyzed. The calorific value of the fuel is calculated using the empirical formula proposed by D.I. Mendeleev. To do this, an analysis of the elementary composition of the fuel is performed, that is, the percentage of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, ash, water in it. The necessary amount of Trapa natans, firewood and coal required to heat 500 liters of water from 30 to 100 C has been established. It has been proved that Trapa natans can be used as an alternative fuel for boiler systems of HWS for enterprises adjacent to reservoirs.Документ Відкритий доступ Analytical and statistical assessments of the methodology for evaluating the quality of laminated magnetic cores(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Chumak, V.; Bazenov, V.; Dukhno, R.; Ihnatiuk, Ye.; Vishnevsky, O.The paper solves the relevant issue of improving the reliability of electromechanical converters with a steel laminated magnetic core by implementing effective measures to diagnose the quality of the laminated core. A method for assessing the quality of laminated magnetic cores with insulated sheets is proposed. The method is based on the analysis of the response of electromagnetic interconnected circuits to test transient processes in order to assess the development of defects in the inter-sheet insulation and the concentration of parasitic eddy currents associated with specific losses in the magnetic core which is the normative method of magnetic core evaluation that is closest to the operation of an electric machine under real conditions. Taking into account the complexity and labour intensity of regulated methods of core quality control, a reasonable assessment of the relationship between the eddy current time constant and the specific losses in the magnetic circuit will significantly simplify the test methodology, the implementation of which does not require complex and expensive equipment and high qualification of the service personnel. In addition to the physical connection, the paper shows the statistical relationship between the eddy current time constant and the specific losses in a number of real magnetic circuits and performs statistical processing of the experimental data. A linear regression dependence is obtained and the correlation coefficient is estimated, which confirms a significant relationship between the above components on the example of magnetic cores of different geometries. Confidence intervals for defect-free and defective magnetic cores are estimated, taking into account the geometric dimensions, power, and number of poles of the studied electric motors.Документ Відкритий доступ Automated system for providing powerful computing systems with a complex of equipment(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2022) Varlamov, G.; Segeda, I.; Lokotarov, Y.; Jiang Jianguo; Mitchenko, I.With the development of the cryptocurrency market, the need for automated support for mining hardware is growing. At present, there are practically no flexible systems for selecting equipment to fully meet the complex needs of providing complex features of mining processes, and software has not been developed that could take into account all the features of cryptocurrency developers. The purpose of this work is to develop the principles and algorithm for solving the problem of organizing the provision and selection of the necessary equipment for complex and powerful computing systems in the form of an automated system for the procurement and supply of the main computing and additional related equipment, organizing its installation, monitoring the conditions and characteristics of operation and subsequent output out of operation after the resource has been depleted or in order to increase the computational characteristics of mining farms and their cooling systems. Modern powerful computing systems are a huge amount of interconnected diverse equipment, located at different sites and interacting with each other by high-speed neural connections. The success of creating such complexes depends on the level of training of a team of specialists, which must have comprehensive and deep knowledge on the issues of building the engineering infrastructure of a computing complex, reasonable equipment with the necessary equipment, calculating the maximum energy load and providing such objects with a cooling system for computing elements and the system as a whole. Computing power is realized with the help of Data-centers, mining farms with more than 5000 computing modules. The problem of ensuring the quality of power supply of mining farms, a high level of efficiency in the use of power sources, protecting expensive equipment from overheating while ensuring high computing performance is very relevant, it requires constant attention and the use of special equipment and technologies. The developed system described in this paper relates to the management and optimization of resources of large computing centers, namely, to the organization of mass purchases of equipment, its installation and effective maintenance during operation, ensuring the efficient operation of cooling systems and the decommissioning of mining farms after completion. their work. This system allows users to create their own equipment catalogs in the form of models and then effectively organize the planning and management of devices in the form of an abstract model that consolidates all devices. Such a model is easy to control, find and perform actions on related objects, scale and make changes as needed. On the practical side, this developed product is simple in terms of the graphical interface and does not require much time for staff training and use in practice.Документ Відкритий доступ CFD - моделювання течії всередині винтоподібних труб(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2017) Рева, Сергій Анатолійович; Reva, S. A.; Рева, Сергей АнатольевичДокумент Відкритий доступ CFD-моделирование аэродинамического сопротивления пучков винтообразных труб(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2018) Баранюк, А. В.; Терех, А. М.; Янушевский, В. А.; Баранюк, O. В.; Терех, O. М.; Янушевський, В. A.; Baranyuk, A.; Terekh, A.; Yanushevskyy, V.Документ Відкритий доступ Comprehensive condition analysis and perspectives of energy development in ukraine according to the Smart Grid concept(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2024) Rudniev, Y.; Romanchenko, J.The article examines development trends of the energy complex of Ukraine, possibility and prospects of creating a modern energy complex through the use of an innovative technical base for energy management in accordance with the Smart Grid concept. The general properties of Smart Grid technology and its main advantages are given by authors. It is shown that within the framework of the Smart Grid concept, the intelligent electric power system is considered as a single network of information and control systems. The process of electric power industry modernization in the direction of the creation of "smart" power supply networks in a number of European countries, which aims to ensure stable development, economic growth, growth of living standards and protection of the natural environment, is considered. The paper describes modernization methods of the electric power complex of Ukraine based on foreign experience. It is shown that from the point of view of energy security and sustainable development, Smart Grid is able to ensure the operation of the power grid even in case of damage or destruction of one segment, which is a key advantage during post-war reconstruction. They will also make it possible to effectively integrate renewable generation and energy storage systems into the grid, as well as provide auxiliary services for forecasting the power system operation. The paper analyzes the problematic issues of implementing the Smart Grid concept in Ukraine. They include the lack of technological solutions and methods that provide an effective algorithm for determining the state of power networks cyber security; large length of power distribution networks and insufficiently developed infrastructure. A comparative description of the existing energy systems functional properties and energy systems based on the Smart Grid concept is presented in general. An analysis of possible ways of electric power industry development was carried out, which showed the presence of serious limitations of electric power industry development within the framework of the former concept, based mainly on the improvement of certain types of equipment and technologies. It is shown that Ukraine is at the initial familiarization and formation stage of the first organizational initiatives for Smart Grid, namely the implementation of the government-approved Concept of the "smart grids" introduction in Ukraine for the period up to 2035. The purpose and expected results of this Concept implementation are considered.Документ Відкритий доступ Concept of an ensemble forecasting system for optimization problems of control of solar MicroGrid(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Matushkin, D.; Bosak, A.Accurate probabilistic forecasts of renewable generation are the driving force for optimizing the operation and management of MicroGrid systems. Combining forecasts of different individual models can improve forecast accuracy, but unlike combining point forecasts, for which simple weighted averaging is often a plausible solution, combining probabilistic forecasts is a much more complex task. Today, ensembles of forecasting models are one of the promising directions for problem solving, where forecasting accuracy is more important than the ability to interpret the model. The main idea of ensembles is the training of several basic models and the aggregation of the results of their work. Empirical studies show that combinations of forecasts, on average, are more likely to produce better forecasts than methods that are based on selecting only one forecasting model. When building ensembles, the issue of ensuring diversity of models and effective training of model members of the ensemble becomes especially relevant. The article is devoted to solving the issues of building an ensemble model for forecasting photovoltaic (PV) power, which combines the results of several basic probabilistic models. Using the ensemble method proposed by the authors can improve forecasting accuracy and reduce the time required for training and evaluation of ensemble member models. Directions and prospects of further research are formulated.Документ Відкритий доступ Creating factor model of the peat drying process in pneumatic steam-water dryer(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019) Kulakovskyi, L.; Bosak, A.Документ Відкритий доступ Design of electrical power telemetering system using microcontroller device via GSM(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Abdulhamid, M.Traditionally, reading of energy meters is done by human operators who move from house to house collecting readings. This exercise requires huge labor operator numbers and a lot of time to achieve complete reading of meters in a particular area. This paper endeavors to do away with this problem by using a telemetering system. With this system, power can be measured from a remote site. To achieve this, readings from an energy meter on site are processed by a microcontroller device that then sends the energy consumption information to a Global System Mobile(GSM) module. The GSM module then sends this information using microwaves to a particular mobile subscriber who receives it in the form of an Short Message Service(SMS). The reading is also transmitted to a web based telemetering system through a server. In the remote site, a remote computer which can access the internet is able to obtain data from the server through the internet. The microcontroller is developed in such a way that it achieves communication between the energy meter and the particular server using Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) protocol. Software programs are also developed to facilitate transfer of data to the user at remote site. With the web based telemetering system connected to the internet, electrical energy measurements can be accessed globally. The efficiency of the transmission channel is important for the success of both SMS and web based telemetering systems.Документ Відкритий доступ Effect of discharge current magnitude on effectiveness of overhead power line protection against direct lightning strokes(КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2023) Trotsenko, Y.; Yandulskyy, O.; Dixit, M.; Peretyatko, J.In this paper the efficiency of lightning shielding provided by single overhead ground wire mounted atop of a double circuit self-supported 220 kV lattice power transmission line tower with a total height of 37.115 m was examined. According to the electro-geometric concept, each phase conductor of a power transmission line has an area where the overhead ground wire does not provide full protection against a direct lightning strike. The width of this unprotected area depends on the design and dimensions of overhead power line tower, the expected magnitude of the lightning current and decreases with increasing magnitude of the discharge current. The lightning protection effectiveness of upper and middle phase conductors was studied. The values of the minimum lightning current, capable of causing an insulation flashover in case of the lightning shielding failure were calculated. The minimum values of the lightning current at which complete shielding is achieved have also been determined. It was found that for upper phase conductor the minimum current at which a complete lightning shielding is achieved is 7.597 kA, and it is smaller than minimum current of 8.604 kA capable to cause an electrical flashover of the transmission line insulation. For middle phase conductor the lowest current at which a complete lightning shielding is achieved is 5.976 kA, that is much smaller than minimum current of 9.206 kA leading to an insulation flashover. The results show that the specified overhead power line is protected from dangerous lightning currents. However, computations show that downward lightning flashes having a smaller current magnitude are able to bypass the shield wire and hit the phase conductors. In this regard, due to unpredictable nature of lightning, to improve the lightning protection of power lines, other measures can be applied, including the use transmission line arresters mounted on or near towers at individual points of the power line. When thunderstorm activity increases due to global warming, strengthening of lightning protection measures is justified.