Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Серія: Філологія. Педагогіка: збірник наукових праць
Постійне посилання на фонд
ISSN 2410-8278 (Online), ISSN 2307-1591 (Print)
Періодичність: 2 рази на рік
Рік заснування: 2012
Тематика: загальне мовознавство, соціолінгвістика, прагматика, когнітивістика, психолінгвістика, дискурсологія, паралінгвістика, емотіологія, лінгвістична антропологія, корпусна лінгвістика, порівняльно-історичне мовознавство, комп’ютерна лінгвістика, міжкультурна комунікація, літературознавство, педагогіка та викладання іноземних мов.
Офіційний сайт (архів випусків): http://visnyk.fl.kpi.ua/
Правонаступник (з 2017 р.): Advanced Linguistics
Рік заснування: 2012
Тематика: загальне мовознавство, соціолінгвістика, прагматика, когнітивістика, психолінгвістика, дискурсологія, паралінгвістика, емотіологія, лінгвістична антропологія, корпусна лінгвістика, порівняльно-історичне мовознавство, комп’ютерна лінгвістика, міжкультурна комунікація, літературознавство, педагогіка та викладання іноземних мов.
Офіційний сайт (архів випусків): http://visnyk.fl.kpi.ua/
Правонаступник (з 2017 р.): Advanced Linguistics
Перегляд Вісник НТУУ «КПІ». Серія: Філологія. Педагогіка: збірник наукових праць за Назва
Зараз показуємо 1 - 20 з 179
Результатів на сторінці
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Документ Відкритий доступ Apprendre aux etudiants des facutles techniques a debattre en Francais(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Bondar, L. V.; Бондар, Л. В.; Bondar, L. V.Le présent article aborde le problème de la formation visant à permettre aux étudiants des facultés techniques qui apprennent le français d’acquérir de la compétence dans le domaine du débat. La notion et les particularités du débat comme une des formes modernes de la discussion, son rôle dans la réussite universitaire et professionnelle sont analysés. L'auteur de l'article détermine les conditions préalables, les niveaux d'apprentissage efficaces, pour que de futurs ingénieurs puissent mener et construire un débat scientifique en français, tels que le niveau extralinguistique, linguistique, celui de la parole et le niveau de la culture communicationnelle. L'analyse de la question abordée a permis de distinguer trois phases et leurs particularités pour construire un débat: une phase préliminaire qui prévoit l'identification des participants au débat, durant laquelle on annonce le sujet et les objectifs, une phase d'argumentation et de contreargumentation qui se développent autour d'une stratégie, une phase de conclusion. L'étude a révélé les stratégies argumentatives que les étudiants des facultés techniques doivent apprendre pour mener à bonne fin le débat: celles de démonstration, de réfutation, de concession, d'adhésion, de confrontation, d'examen critique. Certains devoirs sont proposés qui visent à former la compétence des futurs ingénieurs à débattre en français et dans lesquels tous les aspects mentionnés ci-dessus, et qui sont à la base de l'apprentissage réussi, sont pris en considération.Документ Відкритий доступ Apprentissage de la traduction des textes pharmaceutiques francais, aspects linguistique et methodologique(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Bondar, L. V.; Choumtchenko, Т. I.Le présent article aborde la question de l'apprentissage de la traduction des textes pharmaceutiques français, notamment des notices. Les auteurs analysent les particularités lexico-sémantiques, grammaticales et structurelles des textes mentionnés dans le but de définir les problèmes potentiels liés à leur traduction.L'étude a permis de distinguer dans la notice française quatre zones informationnelles importantes qui ont leurs propres moyens langagiers et les procédés de l'expression du potentiel pragmatique du texte. Les recherches montrent que les textes pharmaceutiques français comportent un grand nombre de termes issus de domaines différents, de termes d'origines latine et grecque; la segmentation des notices françaises diffère beaucoup de celles de la langue ukrainienne, tout cela doit être pris en considération lors de l'élaboration des exercices destinés à l'apprentissage de la traduction des textes de ce genre. Les auteurs proposent certains devoirs visant à former la compétence des étudiants des facultés de lettre en traduction des textes techniques et scientifiques, y compris des textes pharmaceutiques. L'étude a permis de conclure que les particularités langagières et structurales des notices françaises aussi bien que les aspects psycholinguistiques de la formation des savoir-faire doivent servir de base pour l'élaboration rationnelle des exercices, de leurs types et groupes, visant à l'apprentissage efficace de la traduction des notices des étudiants des facultés linguistiques.Документ Відкритий доступ Argumentative discourse of technical research papers in the context of rhetorical structure theory(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Doronkina, N. Ye.The article deals with Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). It is shown that the theory is a very helpful descriptive tool not only for microstructure but for macrostructure as well. The role of rhetorical relations in argumentative discourse in the sphere of science is described. The structure of Toulmin's argumentation model in the context of rhetorical relations is given. The relations taking place between the model components are analyzed. They are divided into four groups according to the type of causal link. All rhetorical relations are analyzed by means of decomposition into nucleus and satellite. The group of basic causal relations is parted in agreement with the degree of speaker participation. The group of Conditional relations is presented in full paradigm. In considering the group of purposeful relations such factors as cognitive states of readers and speakers are taken into account. Concessive relations are discussed from two points of view. Macrostructure of scientific papers argumentative discourse is outlined in the context of topical content. To describe macrostructure of discourse such multinuclear schemas as Joint are used. RST diagram for Introduction chapter is shown. The examples of all rhetorical relations taken from technical research papers are presented.Документ Відкритий доступ Assessment of global competence level among engineering students(НТУУ «КПІ», 2017) Anoshkova, T. A.The article deals with the notion of global competence and its implementation through a foreign language teaching. Taking into account the experience of other countries we study the possibility of improving current education system in order to train globally competent specialists. In the current article the research programs of different international organizations were analyzed in order to define to what extent students from other countries have developed global competence and how they can apply the obtained knowledge and skills to global issues. The article deals with the already existing programs for teaching a foreign language at the technical university of Ukraine and their connection with global competence. On the basis of determined criteria there was conducted a survey among first-year students, sophomores and junior students in order to evaluate their level of global competence and the correspondence of the existing education programs to the determined goals. After the processing and thorough analysis of the receiving data we presented the results of the survey in the form of percentage rating and bar charts. As a result the author proposes possible ways of increasing the level of global competence of young specialists and improving the existing education programs.Документ Відкритий доступ Association as linguistic phenomenon(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Akhmad, I. M.; Chmel, V. V.The article deals with the notion of association in linguistics. Various researchers looked for connections between thinking and language, conducting linguistic experiments and researches in the field of psycholinguistics, linguistics and, namely, associative groups. Research of associations is mainly aimed at the conceptual and semantic structure of human memory. Study of associations has a long scientific tradition, for centuries they have been the object of study of philosophers, psychologists, linguists. Associative experiment is a technique aimed at identifying associations existing in an individual based on his previous experience. To analyze associations it is necessary to know and understand connections between words, therefore, explore the sphere of human consciousness and cognitive perception. The article looks into history of associations studies, analyzing the main achievements and key points in the research of links between words and images, connections and relations between semantic field and groups. Also, attention is paid to external and internal associative links and their analysis. The other essential part of the study is focused on the insight into the nature of synonymy, antonymy and paronymy, the paradigms and their classifications. Understanding of associative and thematic groups helps us to conduct researches necessary for the understanding of the mechanism of interaction that exists between different lexical– semantic groups.Документ Відкритий доступ Categories and properties of text in memoirs’ structure(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Kolosova, H. A.; Колосова, Г. А.; Колосова, А. А.Документ Відкритий доступ Challenges of discourse modes categorization(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Maslova, T. B.; Маслова, Т. Б.; Маслова, Т. Б.Документ Відкритий доступ Cinematic discourse as a polycoded and multimodal phenomenon(НТУУ «КПІ», 2017) Krysanova, T. A.This article is devoted to the study of polycoded and multimodal nature of the cinematic discourse as a semiotically heterogeneous phenomenon. The cinematic discourse is interpreted as a complex integrated socially and culturally conditioned mental-communicative phenomenon that is characterized by a combination of lingual and non-lingual codes in its structure and is polycoded and multimodal by its nature. The paper analyzes the main approaches to the interpretation of the cinematic discourse as a creolized / polycoded / multimodal formation, proves the assumption that the cinematic discourse cannot be considered creolized, as it consists of more than two code systems that are in complex interaction aimed at constructing the meaning. The cinematic discourse contains more than two heterogeneous systems: verbal (speech), non-verbal (gestures, facial expressions, etc.) and non-lingual represented by cinematic means (close-up, camera movement, lighting, noise, music etc.). It is the inseparable combination of three semiotic systems, each is an obligatory element that serves to construct the cinematic meaning. The cinematic discourse contains various heterogeneous systems that make one perceptual flow. The article discusses the notions of the code and the mode that are of important value to explain the polycoded and multimodal nature of the cinematic discourse. The polycoded nature of the cinematic discourse focuses on the combination of several code systems attracted by filmmakers to construct the meaning. The multimodal nature of the cinematic discourse emphasizes its dynamic character and focuses on the addressee considering his cognitive and social features. The combination of different semiotic systems conduces to the film meaning construction.Документ Відкритий доступ Classification of translators’ mistakes in the movies for the Ukrainian audience(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Artiukh, A. O.; Артюх, А. О.; Артюх, А. А.Документ Відкритий доступ Complex argumentation in the context of rhetorical structure theory in scientific discourse(НТУУ «КПІ», 2017) Doronkina, N. Ye.The idea of the article is to provide the reader with some material on representation of S. Toulmin’s argumentation model with regards to rhetorical structure theory. On the ground of this model the concepts of argument and plea are determined. The former is viewed as a single semantic complex. The fundamental notions of discourse analysis associated with rhetorical structures theory are reviewed. The features of rhetorical relations are mentioned. Much attention is given to the distinction between subject matter and presentational relations. The layout of all rhetorical structures corresponding to S. Toulmin’s model is discussed. The category of evidentiality is taken into account as a factor to influence the type of rhetorical relation. The difference between deductive, inductive and rhetorical argumentation with regard to syllogism is analyzed. In order to specify the nature of rhetorical relations implicit discursive units were used. The definitions of different complex argumentative types are given. The author draws reader’s attention to the difference between the structure of convergent argumentation and several types of linked one. The role of implicit elements in rhetorical structured is determined. The paper is illustrated with the fragments of scientific papers in the field of acoustics.Документ Відкритий доступ Comunicative approach in grammar teaching(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Pavlovych, A. V.; Ivanova, O. O.The subject of the article is grammar teaching in terms of communicative approach. Communicative language teaching (CLT) is the basic constituent of modern foreign language teaching. Implementation of CLT led to a number of changes in teaching strategies. Learners do not just learn from a teacher but do their own information research. Grammatical competence is an important constituent of communicative competence. Learning grammar does not include only rules but use of the rules as a partof fluent communication. Comprehension of grammar material is indispensable. Learning new grammatical patterns is done by means of context when learners try to infer a rulei. e. meaning of a certain grammatical structure from what they read or hear. Teachers have to use different methods based on interaction and life-related situations to help learners acquire new grammar material. CLT requires a creative approach to grammar teaching. Different forms of group work are inescapable. Inductive method is used in new grammar material teaching. There is also a cognitive constituent in teaching grammar, which implies that learners have to perceive new grammatical structure and comprehend it in real-life situations. A teacher is a facilitator for learners helping and guiding them throughout a learning process.Документ Відкритий доступ La corporalité du langage(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Laska, I. V.; Parkhomenko, O. M.; Ласка, І. В.; Пархоменко, О. М.; Laska, I. V.; Parkhomenko, O. M.Partant des idées avancées dans le cadre de la sémantique cognitive de George Lakoff et de l’école sémantique de Moscou, nous examinons les conceptions de corporalité du langage élaborées par le sociologue américain E. Goffman et le linguiste français R. Lafont et nous envisageons les perspectives de l’utilisation des concepts euristiques proposés par les deux chercheurs dans l’étude des particularités du discours littéraire, en particulier dans l’oeuvre de Michel Leiris. L’article détermine quelques pistes d’étude de la corporalité dans les textes leirissiens: le vocabulaire du champ lexical du corps chez Leiris, les stratégies discursives qu’il utilise en parlant du corps, l’axiologie et la sémiologie du corps humain, la signification qu’il donne aux gestes, postures, danse et comportements ritualisés et d’autres.Документ Відкритий доступ Critical thinking as a tool for teaching listening in the English classroom at the universities(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Shalova, N. S.; Шалова, Н. С.; Шалова, Н. С.Документ Відкритий доступ Das thema „Weihnachten“ im deutschunterricht behandeln – unterrichtsideen und methodenempfehlungen(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Lange, AnjaDer Artikel setzt sich mit einem recht beliebten Thema auseinander: Weihnachten wird in Deutschland anders als in der Ukraine gefeiert und bietet sich damit vergleichend als landeskundliches Thema an. Für eine nähere Betrachtung des Themas werden im Artikel verschiedene Unterrichtsideen genannt, die am Jahresende gemacht werden können. Dabei kann der Unterricht sowohl kulinarische als auch lexikalische Inhalte haben.Документ Відкритий доступ Descriptive translation and word formation methods of neologisms in thematic groups(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Prysiazhniuk, I. S.Word formation process is considered to be the form of language functioning essential for vocabulary arrangement and reality representation as well. Neologisms in any language are the evidence of dynamic processes in language which adapts to rapidchanges in the modern world. American and British cultures have great influence on Ukrainian society due to political and economic reasons, not to mention the growing number of TV series, shows, films and music. Integration processes and anew strategy of country development contribute to theoccurrence of new notions and realities as well. New words are formed by means of both borrowings and word formation methods typical for a specific language, which is why the problem of translation has always been paid much attention to. Adequate translation requires accurate analysis of context, stylistic features of the text and word formation methods to produce the most suitable equivalent. When theselection of equivalent is not possible due to the lack of lexical means in the target language, descriptive translation is the most versatile means. The article deals with the descriptive translation of neologisms within thematic groups, the notion of neologism, their classification, ways of word formation and the dependence of accurate translation on the correct analysis of the word structure. The suitability and effectiveness of descriptive translation were also analyzed in terms of conveying the meaning of neologism.Документ Відкритий доступ Der deutsche Artikel im Kontext: theoretische und praktische Interpretationen(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Serebrova, L. N.; Pavlovska, L. I.; Сереброва, Л. М.; Павловська, Л. І.; Serebrova, L. N.; Pavlovska, L. I.In dieser Arbeit werden die Probleme des Gebrauchs des deutschen Artikels behandelt. Der Artikel, nach der Meinung verschiedener Autoren, gehört zu einer komplizierten Erscheinung der Grammatik der deutschen Sprache. Widersprüche in der Interpretation des Artikels hängen unter anderem von dem Bereich ab, wo diese Erscheinung untersucht wird, zum Beispiel, in der Sprachwissenschaft oder in der Linguodidaktik. Der Artikel als Element des Lernstoffes hat seine Besonderheiten. Der Gebrauch des Artikels ist mit verschiedenen Kontexten verbunden. Das sind die Kontexte der mündlichen und schriftlichen Sprache, die zur Lösung der kommunikativen Aufgaben der Umgangssprache als auch der schönen Literatur und der Publizistik beitragen. In den letzten kann der Gebrauch des Artikels unter anderem auch als eine stilistische Methode (oder ein Element der Methode) betrachtet werden. Verschiedene Besonderheiten des Artikelgebrauchs können theoretisch und praktisch unter Berücksichtigung des breiten Kontextes interpretiert werden. Die obengenannten Probleme werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit betrachtet.Документ Відкритий доступ Development of students` writing skills: focus on academic essay(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Svyrydova, L. G.; Ameridze, O. S.The article deals with the importance of development the academic writing skills of technical university students. The focus has been made on essay-type written work as the most common type of writing which is considered to be a good basis for the further, more fundamental academic writings like diploma work or dissertation. Furthermore, students have to be aware of writing an essay when taking exams, especially language proficiency tests of international level. Thus, most students feel the strong motivation and readiness to master academic writing skills. The article reveals the concept of academic writing, its main features and types of academic written works. Also, this article displays the notion of the essay as a genre of academic writing and in details examines the structure of the essay, highlighting the peculiarities. More specifically there have been described the core parts of an essay, namely, introduction, body and conclusion. The significance of well-formulated thesis statement also has been underlined. In addition, there has been proposed a list of useful words and phrases to make an essay easy to read. For students the comprehension of academic writing skills along with speaking, reading and listening is very substantial for making up an image of a highly-skilled and prosperous specialist.Документ Відкритий доступ Die überlegungen zur auswahl des landeskundlichen lehrstoffs(НТУУ «КПІ», 2016) Dzykovych, O. V.; Turysheva, O. O.Der vorliegende Artikel behandelt theoretische sowie empirische Überlegungen zur landeskundlichen Stoffauswahl, die eine ganze Reihe von Fragen in diesem Bereich zur Diskussion bringen. Die Autorin nennt wesentliche Schwierigkeiten, die Problematik der Landeskunde als Fach und dessen Stoffauswahl verursachen. Ein Teil des Artikels widmet sich der Auflistung von Ansätzen, mit denen die Auswahl des landeskundlichen Materials erfolgt. Dabei werden die wichtigsten Kriterien genannt, die diese Auswahl bestimmen. Im Weiteren werden die Lerninhalte vs. Fähigkeiten der Lehrenden sowie Lernenden analysiert. Die vorliegende Analyse verdeutlicht die Liste der Stoffauswahlkriterien und anhand der bildgebenden Fragen gibt einige Richtlinien für die Stoffauswahl im Unterricht. Von der Autorin wird auch ein Versuch unternommen, einen Vorschlag für eine lernerorientierte Stoffauswahl unter interkultureller Sicht zu machen, wobei sie exemplarisches Lernen und prozedurales Wissen im Vordergrund stellt.Документ Відкритий доступ Direkte lexikalische Entlehnungen aus dem Englischen im Wortschatz der deutschen Presse: eine qualitative Analyse des Gebrauchs(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Kotvytska, V. A.; Котвицька, В. А.; Kotvytska, V. A.Der vorliegende Artikel behandelt theoretische Überlegungen zur deutschen Pressesprache, zur Verbreitung der Entlehnungen aus dem Englischen in den deutschsprachigen Printmedien und zu den Gründen sowie Motiven des Anglizismengebrauchs. Der Artikel widmet sich dem Problem des Gebrauchs von direkten lexikalischen Anglizismen in den Texten der deutschen Presse. Die empirische Untersuchung umfasst lexikalische Entlehnungen, die in den deutschsprachigen Zeitungen sowie Zeitschriften zwischen Dezember 2010 und Dezember 2014 verwendet wurden. Die Autorin analysiert die in der heutigen Presse verwendeten Anglizismen nach formalen, inhaltlichen sowie funktionalen Aspekten. Der Artikel beleuchtet das Problem des Einflusses des Englischen auf das Deutsche. Die vorliegende Analyse verdeutlicht die Besonderheiten des Gebrauchs von direkten lexikalischen Entlehnungen aus dem Englischen in der deutschsprachigen Presse.Документ Відкритий доступ Educating globally competent engineering students in Ukraine(НТУУ «КПІ», 2015) Anoshkova, T. A.; Аношкова, Т. А.; Аношкова, Т. А.